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This decadence could be found even at the head of the church itself. Prostitutes Thiene charity of Don Gaetano during this period is testified by a declaration made by the leader of the group: " The jailers in this location, heard Prostitutes Thiene and laughed, but their colonel happened to hear them too while he was a dinner guest of the captain.

With the excuse of embellishing the churches with art, liturgy and deep conviction were Prostitutes Thiene to one side and a new era of paganism started creeping into the church. The prime fault was of the Roman Prelates and clergy with the rest of the Prostitutes Thiene following suit. We usually talk about the Reformation being started by Prostitutes Thiene Luther and others, and also about the Counter Reformation being started within the church to return to the observance of the old basic principles.

It is more proper to talk about a Protestant Schism and a Reformation of the church which from those days started to be called Prostitutes Thiene.

This Catholic Reformation was a strong reaffirmation of the doctrine and structure of the Catholic Church, climaxing in the Council of Trent, partly reacting to the growth of Protestantism. We know that one of the causes of the decadence of the Middle Ages Prostitutes Thiene the decadence and incompetence of most members of the clergy, caused by their unbalanced attachment to wealth.

The clergy had become extremely rich and attached to their luxurious lifestyle. They assumed a life of pride and human grandeur. Now, according to Prostitutes Thiene Catholic spirit, Bishops and Cardinals are supposed to have the material conditions for a distinguished lifestyle to signify their elevated dignity. They are ecclesiastical princes and they do merit this.

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It Prostitutes Thiene good, legitimate and correct to address Prostitutes Thiene Prelate like this, and it is good that Prostitutes Thiene should have a high status. But it is one thing is to have what is necessary to sustain the dignity of the Prostitutes Thiene and another to be attached to the material goods that accompany such Prostitutes Thiene.

This kind of attachment is totally wrong. This decadence could be found even at the head of the church itself. During the time Gaetano was living, families in Italy such as the Colonnas, Medicis, Borgias and others, vied with each Prostitutes Thiene to produce candidates for the Papacy.

Prostitutes Thiene the other hand, once a Pope from one of these families was elected, many times nepotism was the norm, heaping of benefices on family and creating new cardinals out of members of next of kin.

We find, during these times, that many Popes were related to each other and we can find many an uncle or nephew on the seat of Peter. The Prostitutes Thiene in secular things was also common, with Popes taking care of art in the church buildings more than catering for souls. To top it all, Italy Prostitutes Thiene not yet whole and the Popes acted as temporal leaders with the exact function of ruling the Papal States. This they did with relish, some of them dealing in politics or joining unions of states to fight against others.

There was even one who led his armies himself in wars to consolidate the Papal possessions. But not all was wrong with the Popes of the time.

We find that their charity, knowledge of spiritual subjects and work against schismatic trends were at times exemplary. At the birth of Gaetano, Pope Sixtus IV was in power and though we may know him as the one who commissioned Michaelangelo to paint the Sistine chapel, his wars and treachery and his promoting the wrong people to high office in the church, blemish his career as Pontiff.

On the other hand he took measures to suppress abuses in Prostitutes Thiene Inquisition, built bridges across the Tiber, improved the sanitary conditions of the city of Rome and most important of all vigorously opposed the first protestant teachings.

Pope Sixtus IV. Gaetano had acquired his degrees at law when he found a position as secretary or protonotary to the Pope Julius II who appreciated the prowess of our Saint and must have set a good example to Gaetano by attending Mass almost daily and often celebrating it himself.

He was also free from nepotism even though he himself was the nephew of Sixtus IV. Like his uncle before him he was patron of the arts. He also made various ordinances for monastic reforms and convoked the Fifth Lateran Council to eradicate abuses within Prostitutes Thiene Church and Prostitutes Thiene from Prostitutes Thiene the Roman Curia.

Some point out his early life and his fathering of three Prostitutes Thiene and others comment that he was more suitable as a soldier with his ambition to free the whole of Italy Prostitutes Thiene its subjection to foreign powers. But we may be sure that his dealings with our Gaetano were of positive influence.

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Pope Julius II. When Leo X became pope, his life Prostitutes Thiene in a way in sharp contrast with the one Gaetano was leading. He was of the Medici family and was only thirty eight when he succeeded Julius II. He paid no attention to the dangers threatening the Papacy but gave himself up unrestrainedly to amusements and failed to grasp fully the duties of his high office.

He created new offices and dignities and the most exalted places were put up for sale. In spite of all this he was lavish in works of charity, unfeignedly religious and strictly fulfilled his spiritual duties.

He celebrated Mass and read his Breviary daily and fasted three times a week. Pope Leo X. It was during the reign of Pope Clement VII that the political Prostitutes Thiene religious situation of of the Church and of the city of Rome was one of extreme delicacy. Francis I and the Emperor Charles V were at war and the political involvement of the Papacy had led to the sacking Prostitutes Thiene Rome by German troops.

These were hard times in the life of Gaetano as we can see Prostitutes Thiene the next chapter. After his close shave in his rush to safety, Clement went for a while to Orvieto and Viterbo, then returned to Rome where terms favourable to the Holy See Prostitutes Thiene definitely arranged with Charles V of Spain who was solemnly crowned by Clement. In all this, one would see in this Pope, feeble diplomacy and a Pope far Prostitutes Thiene heroic for his people.

But in the more ecclesiastical aspects of his pontificate Clement was free from reproach and genuinely in earnest over a crusade against the Turks. He gave Prostitutes Thiene encouragement to foreign missions. Pope Clement VII. Pope Clement VII had constituted a commission with Prostitutes Thiene powers chaired by Cardinal Gilberti and with Bishop Carafa as a member since he had gained a lot of experience within the Theatine order and Prostitutes Thiene front-line activities.

Prostitutes Thiene commission did not expect to clean up the mess overnight, but at least it obtained some changes for the better, like thorough study courses at higher level for those to be ordained, strangers of unknown character could no longer be ordained for the payment of a sum of money and also, priests Prostitutes Thiene to tone down the appearance of their clothes and smarten up Prostitutes Thiene shaving the huge beards that had come into fashion.

The commission also took care of the problem of absentee pastors and Bishops and even of worse problems like a person having the commission of a Bishop without being ordained even in the Minor Orders. Pope Paul III. Piety and zeal, which had characterized him after he was ordained priest, caused men to overlook the extravagance of his earlier years.

In the constantly recurring quarrels between Francis and Charles, he preserved a strict neutrality. It was he who in when the disastrous wars between Prostitutes Thiene and Francis ended, energetically took up the project Prostitutes Thiene convening the Ecumenical council of Trent. Though Gaetano was in the last two years of his life and had his own problems fighting the protestants in Naples, the news of what was going on in the Council sessions must have Prostitutes Thiene balm for his soul.

In seven sessions, the last on the 3rd March the year the death of our Saintthe Fathers faced the most important questions of faith and discipline.

Catholic doctrine on the Scriptures, original sin, justification, and the Sacraments. Carafa as Pope Paul IV. At the Council, Carafa, now Cardinal, had an important part. The ideas he carried forward into the council were nothing but the culmination of the principles of Don Gaetano who had started the Order of Clerics Regular for the express purpose of reform within the Church.

Prostitutes Thiene the Council was half ended, when the outbreak of the plague in Trent caused an adjournment to Bologna, then on the 21st April, the Pope prorogued the council indefinitely. Prostitutes Thiene Council of Trent was held in discontinuous sessions between and It clearly specified Catholic doctrines on salvation, the sacraments and the Biblical canon, in opposition to the Protestants, and standardized the Mass throughout the church, largely abolishing local variations; this came to be called the 'Tridentine Mass', after Trent.

From a doctrinal and disciplinary point of view, it was the most important council in Prostitutes Thiene history of the Roman Catholic Church, fixing Prostitutes Thiene distinctive faith and practice in relation to the Protestant Evangelical churches.

The Sacking of Rome. The first half of the 's is marked by the clash between the greater European powers for supremacy. With the Prostitutes Thiene of the Spanish dominions, the huge empire of Charles V had become dangerous for France. In order to continue the Prostitutes Thiene, after the defeat of Pavia, an alliance was formed with a series of smaller states like Venice, Florence and the Papal States.

The latter endured the consequences with the imperial mercenary troops of the Landsknecht German Prostitutes Thiene 'servants of the country' heading for Rome, with the vision of fabulous booty, looting all the Prostitutes Thiene on the way.

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What happened Prostitutes Thiene Rome had been preceded by political turmoil. Prostitutes Thiene the city had seen the signs of this impending disaster coming for a long time, the conflagration caught the population unprepared, but no one could have imagined the extent and harshness of the calamity. The According to historians, in that spring ofthere were approximately The rich tried to hide their money and precious belongings, and those with young girls in the family tried to find a convent in order to put them in a place of relative safety; the optimists barricaded themselves in their houses and some even started to round up able bodied fighting men with Prostitutes Thiene intention of being able to defend their households.

At the dawn of the 6th of May the Imperial army Prostitutes Thiene ranks and moved down, protected by fog. The onslaught was found to be more difficult than thought by their leaders, but the breaching of the walls and influx of soldiers happened so quickly that the Pope heard the shouts of the invaders while he Prostitutes Thiene still in the apostolic palace.

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The fighting itself had already reached St. Peter's Square. The Pope, Clement VII decided to place himself in front of the altar thinking that if he had to die, he would rather die a martyr.

But the Monsignors of the Curia and the Cardinals forcibly dragged him away. The fighting had already reached the door of Castle Sant' Angelo and if they had Prostitutes Thiene slower to fetch his Holiness, they would not have made it to the security of the castle. They gathered some provisions in a rush and practically ran Prostitutes Thiene the corridor that leads to the castle. For those who do not know, the Pope's quarters near St.

Peter's Basilica, overlooking St. Peter's square, are connected with Castel Sant' Angelo with a high wall on top of Prostitutes Thiene is a covered corridor. This was built for such emergencies and is still standing nowadays. In order that the enemy might not recognize Prostitutes Thiene white vestments of the Pope, a bishop placed his cape on the shoulders of Clement VII. At that point Castel Sant' Angelo was already crowded and there reigned an indescribable confusion.

Nevertheless before evening no less than three thousand people were barricaded inside, not counting the Cardinals and the Papal Prostitutes Thiene.

Then they realized that there were neither provisions nor munitions and they had to make do with the little they could get from plundering some houses and warehouses nearby. A real crowd Prostitutes Thiene gathering seeking access to the castle including gentlemen of the nobility, ladies and merchants. Cardinal Pucci was lucky to enter because a domestic servant pushed him up through a window when he was already half dead from the blows he had received. Cardinal Armellini only made it in because they hoisted him up in a basket and pulled him in through Prostitutes Thiene window after the door had already Prostitutes Thiene locked and barred.

Rome was in the hands of the invaders, who decided Prostitutes Thiene inflict a memorable lesson to the corrupt city, like the Lutherans had preached. It is enough to say Prostitutes Thiene it ended in twelve days of sacking, murder and mayhem that nearly reduced the city Prostitutes Thiene a cemetery. The carnage and sacking ended completely eight months later only because of a plague epidemic forcing the imperial troops to abandon the city.

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There were, by now less than The Theatines were also affected by this Prostitutes Thiene caused by the German troops. Daily offerings of food to the community were sporadic and there came a day when Don Gaetano divided the only loaf available into fourteen morsels there were two visitors but none complained, with the thought Prostitutes Thiene there were many in the city doing without even that miserly bite. But Prostitutes Thiene though Don Gaetano believed that the Lord always provided, he was not deluded.

The only movement in the city was that of Prostitutes Thiene military wagons full of the spoils of war, hastily laden, sometimes spilling some contents. It is easy to imagine how the famished few that were left, jumped from the shadows to Prostitutes Thiene the scraps up.

Some of this could have even been taken to the poor priests in the house on the hilltop, this Prostitutes Thiene providential reprieve keeping the company alive. We have just met the Prostitutes Thiene in Don Gaetano's life Prostitutes Thiene this difficult time, but he also had his 'Judas'. A family servant from the Thiene household who even knew Gaetano as a child, found himself in Rome during this dreary time.

He still imagined that Gaetano had all the family inheritance, and in a plan to be on the good side of the foreign oppressor, he Prostitutes Thiene a few soldiers to the 'rich' house on the hilltop that they had missed in their forays.

When they entered they were faced with the extreme poverty of the place, but the cleanliness and order made them doubt Prostitutes Thiene there was still hidden money to be had. Don Gaetano gave one sad look to the ex-servant and explained that all he had he had given to the Prostitutes Thiene and the only riches he had remaining were those of the Spirit of God.

The Prostitutes Thiene laid their hands on Don Gaetano and his companions and commenced torturing them. They unclothed Don Gaetano and tied his ankles to a heavy trunk, then tying a long rope under his arms and throwing the end over a beam in the ceiling, they amused themselves pulling him up and suddenly releasing the rope. He endured it all with patience trusting in the Providence of God.

The others were similarly tortured and spat upon until their tormentors tired of the entertainment, left. For Don Gaetano the physical pain did not feel as grave as the assault on his purity, even so he exhorted his fellows to bear the suffering they were going through for the love of God. He even prayed God to pardon their tormentors as Christ did on the Cross.

It was not Prostitutes Thiene even after the German soldiers left because it was the Spaniards' turn to look for money. When they did not find any, they took the priests prisoners to an improvised jail in Piazza di Spagna. In this location, the Theatines prayed all day long and this bothered their jailers who took them over to the Vatican Prostitutes Thiene locked them up in the clock tower close to their captain's quarters.

This man had the idea not to feed them that they might be forced Prostitutes Thiene tell him where they hid their 'money'. Prostitutes Thiene, in turn, full of holy zeal, forgot the pangs of hunger by singing praises to the Lord.

The jailers in this location, heard them and laughed, but their colonel happened to hear them too while he was a dinner guest of the captain. He wanted to see them and was deeply touched by their plight and soon wrote out the order for their release.

The Theatines, then twelve in number, Prostitutes Thiene liberated. Yes, now they were free, but with no roof over their heads since their house in Rome had been ransacked and wrecked and they were in a half deserted city without a penny in their pockets!

They agreed to go to Venice where there was a group of 'Divino Prostitutes Thiene and where they thought they would be more welcome. There was also the hospital for the incurables where they could resume Prostitutes Thiene charitable ministry.

So, with the help of Agostino da Mula they set out to Civitavecchia and from there to Venice. Sacking of Rome. Connecting wall between Vatican and Tower. Starting Prostitutes Thiene in Venice. During his previous three year stay In Venice, Don Gaetano had spread 'light and fragrance' there, so when he arrived with his friends, the Venetians remembered and so welcomed him and his flock back with joy and respect, and not in words only but in deed.

The Venetians knew the Theatines were poor by vocation, but they appreciated them more after they heard what they had gone through in Rome. They had reached Venice on the 17th June Like a band of refugees, they could not find a place to settle right away. At San Gregorio they had their Chapter meeting on the 14th September to elect a new superior in place of Carafa Prostitutes Thiene three year term had passed.

Don Gaetano was elected on the 29th November, then they started building a small Prostitutes Thiene right away with the Prostitutes Thiene they were given. They also succeeded in buying the adjacent Prostitutes Thiene for a new church and convent which they dedicated to San Nicola di Tolentino. They left Prostitutes Thiene design in the hands of Vincenzo Scamozzi. This became the order's definite residence in Venice.

Here one could see that if their private life was ruled by the vow of total poverty, the Theatines thought otherwise about the house of God. They also hadn't even entered their new home and prepared it when they were already taking care of the sick in hospital which they rebuilt and renamed 'The New Hospital'. At the same time Gaetano was working spiritually to counter the heresies which were rampant around them.

When Prostitutes Thiene plague hit the city during -Gaetano and his band did great work with the sick. It was here at this time that people started calling him 'The Saint of Divine Providence'. Following the war against Charles V, a terrible famine fell on Veneto. In the city, the Venetians suffered but it was worse in the rural areas where people were dying of hunger. The government of the Republic of Venice took all the necessary steps but could not hold the hungry rural masses from invading the city of Venice asking for food.

This situation made the Theatine charity not only shine as usual but brought their organizational skills to the forefront. Money came from Girolamo Emiliani. He was not actually a Theatine as such because he did not take the vows of poverty but allowed himself to be formed by the norms of Don Gaetano. In fact Girolamo Emiliani branched out from the Theatine order and later specialized in the education of orphans Prostitutes Thiene children in general starting another order of Prostitutes Thiene Somaschi and like Don Gaetano become a Saint.

The Theatine example of life attracted more recruits and the way Don Gaetano accepted members can be seen from the denial of entry into the order of the Veronese senator Flaminio who asked for relaxation of the rules in his case because he suffered from ill health.

Instead of him, Don Prostitutes Thiene accepted a certain ascetic Bernardo of Todi nicknamed Prostitutes Thiene because of his huge stature.

This character used to roam the streets of Veneto armed with a huge cross and preaching the gospel in the squares in his own rough way because he did not have either culture or a precise rule of life. He had stopped in Venice and wanted to Prostitutes Thiene Don Gaetano who at once noticed that the intentions of this person were genuine. He told him to stop Prostitutes Thiene around and do something more constructive. Prostitutes Thiene first Prostitutes Thiene did not obey, but after coming back a few times, at last he said "Don Gaetano, take me in with you and teach me how to carry the real cross not this Prostitutes Thiene wooden load.

In this position Prostitutes Thiene was supposed to wear a silk alb but he asked for and was permitted to wear his old discoloured Theatine habit.

When the Pope died, he went back to the convent and resumed with joy and simplicity, the Prostitutes Thiene rigorous life of the Theatine order. Prostitutes Thiene is obvious that not all those who entered the order, as years went by, had the same education and culture of the first four members, but the institution placed subjects like Theology at the top of the curriculum, so it is safe to say that ample time was allotted for study.

The Theatines appreciated culture and justly taught it. It was Carafa himself who wanted those who aspired for Holy Orders to be at least well versed in a course of grammar, and those on their way to become Bishops, to have passed through a series of exams adequate to the importance of the position.

On top of these general norms was added a specific fact, the daily use of the breviary. With the wish for reform came the revision, revamping and modification of this important book, a task given by the Pope and willingly accepted by the Theatines. The breviary was considered by the laity as the priests' prayer book, Prostitutes Thiene it also contains lessons, homilies and commemorations which help in the work of preaching.

After a number of modifications it was submitted to the Pope, but it took till after the conclusion of the Council of Trent for it to be implemented in the whole universal church. Don Gaetano was all the time working behind the scenes in projects such as this, and many of his ideas were developed afterwards by others.

Don Gaetano remained in Veneto untilfounding, assisting and consolidating all the houses of his new order together with the connected hospitals, churches and works of charity.

Healing in Venice. One could ask why, after the tempest of the sacking of Rome and nearly everything back to normal, the Theatines who had worked so well there were not called back!

It must Prostitutes Thiene been the disturbed consciences of many in Rome that kept the Prostitutes Thiene of this city from realizing that they would have been far better with the presence of Don Gaetano's order. The Prostitutes Thiene which did not come from Rome, came instead from Naples, at first from private citizens having heard of all the good works done in Venice and offering all the help needed.

Then a call went out from the authorities in the person of the Viceroy of Spain himself, Don Pedro di Toledo, an old friend of Carafa, and it was difficult for the Theatines to refuse since this time the request was also endorsed by the Pope himself. So on the 2nd of AugustDon Gaetano and Don Giovanni Marinoni another Prostitutes Thiene Theatine figure who could blend asceticism with activism and who would later become a priest himselfset out on foot for Naples.

By the middle of the month they reached Rome and sought an audience with the Pope. Their haggard appearance, dusty clothes and faces showed what they were going through, and Clement VII understood, but he let these words slip "And where are you going, to your death my children in all this heat?

They in turn, after a Prostitutes Thiene days rest at the hospital of the incurables, resumed their way to Naples. There exists in Naples, a large crucifix which Gaetano is Prostitutes Thiene to have carried with him all the way from Venice to Rome and from there to Naples.

To keep stability and peace, the Spaniards bestowed upon the Neapolitan nobility, great benefices, but the population was living in poverty and misery. The promises of hospitality were kept and the Count of Oppido who was one of the nobility in favour of bringing the Theatines to Naples, had prepared for them a comfortable house.

Since the two Theatines realized that the spiritual harvest was rich, they called for another six of their brothers to come and join them. The Count had offered Don Gaetano and Prostitutes Thiene friends a life of luxury which they of course refused, and he, marveling at their noble spirit, insisted and gave them enough riches to live a comfortable life, but this the Theatines distributed among the poor of the city.

Again and again they were given material comforts which they gave up every time in favour of the needy. Count Oppido was a generous Christian but could not understand the principle of living in total poverty within God's Providence, the norm of the Theatines wherever Prostitutes Thiene went.

He expected a community to have at least a modest but secure income not live from day to day.

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Don Gaetano refused to bend, time and again, until one day the Count presented himself in the company of some priests Prostitutes Thiene were supposed to give him a hand convincing the Theatines to accept the donations.

After a long discussion with the priests and many other such encounters after that still on the same subject, there came a time when Don Gaetano herded his companions out of the house, locked the doors behind them and gave the keys to Prostitutes Thiene Count that he might understand!

Their activities never varied: study and prayer at home; meticulous care of the church given in their custody; the priests among them always available for confession and the celebration of Mass for the faithful. Here they not only respected the letter of the Liturgy in its various forms and functions, but also delivered sermons which moved the hardest hearts in the congregations and Prostitutes Thiene by little added to the numbers attending church.

Where the Theatines failed in Naples was at the hospital of the incurables which existed here too. Naturally they wanted to help the sick here as they had done in other cities, but in Naples they were rebuffed by the administration who Prostitutes Thiene lots to lose since the members were doing little for the sick but a lot for their own gain. A story is told Prostitutes Thiene the order around this time in Naples. One of the Theatines, a new convert, was given a task when he fell and fractured a leg.

He was Prostitutes Thiene with the means available in those days but to no avail, his leg developing a weeping wound with the Prostitutes Thiene signs of development into gangrene. The doctor's decision was to amputate and he promised to bring the necessary Prostitutes Thiene and an assistant with him the next day. But Don Gaetano knew of another Doctor who used neither medicine nor surgical tools, so he called his company of brethren to kneel around the patient in prayer, then before leaving, the saintly priest knelt down again and kissed the festering wound.

The next day, the doctor, on entering with his tools and assistant, had to Prostitutes Thiene admit that the leg needed nothing because it was in perfect shape even as it was before the accident occurred. If Don Gaetano was kept out of the hospital for incurables, he found other important things to do in Naples.

He founded a convent for nuns whose discipline was very much like that of the Theatines.

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This convent was afterwards handed over to the care of the Franciscan Capuchins and the nuns started to be called Capuchins because of this. Another convent was started by him for the rehabilitation of women of the street and was called 'Convent of the Converts'. On top of all this he also entered the confraternity of the 'whites' who were religious people who used to accompany those condemned to the gallows.

Prostitutes Thiene way he could do further good trying to persuade these people to convert and turn to God before their death. A social injustice of the times especially in Naples was usury. Those who were in need, asked for loans to which were added the highest interests. These poor people, in Prostitutes Thiene way, found themselves bound in a spiraling chain of debt which most of Prostitutes Thiene time they could not escape.

Don Gaetano thought that such an injustice could be fought with a 'Monte dei pegni' a kind of trust fund where on guaranty of the money borrowed and received, one could leave a token which could be retrieved when the money was restituted Prostitutes Thiene just a little Prostitutes Thiene of interest.

Prostitutes Thiene to start this off, one needed a base of capital which the Theatines couldn't possibly possess. Here Prostitutes Thiene Gaetano remembered about the time, years before, when Count Oppido wanted to leave everything he possessed to the Theatines Prostitutes Thiene heirs.

He looked for him, and when they met, he found him enthusiastic and obliging, ready to throw his fortune into the cause and find other nobles who would follow. This way in the 'Monte dei pegni' was created in Naples, and it later was transformed into the 'Banco di Napoli' still existing today.

This institution never forgot its humble beginnings at the hands of the Theatines, in fact, years ago, the Bank gave the Theatine church of San Paolo Maggiore of Naples, a magnificent pipe organ.

Prostitutes Thiene in Naples, the rise of Lutheranism was being felt through Prostitutes Thiene men of culture but of dubious character. These three infiltrated congregations, groups and families around the city, instilling doubt, interpreting Gospels in their own way Prostitutes Thiene discrediting priests and hierarchy.

Many people, even priests and bishops fell to the errors, but Don Gaetano, a man of few words, confronted these people and revealed the misdirection of the pseudo doctrine coming from their crooked souls.

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For a while at least, the Neapolitans became immune to their false doctrine because of the efforts and fervour of Don Gaetano. In front of the proof of love offered Prostitutes Thiene the Theatines to the Neapolitans, the hostilities slowly vanished as did the misunderstandings and coldness towards them.

People referred to them with respect and were even starting to call Gaetano a Saint. Then inBishop Carafa as superior decided to send Gaetano again to Venice to fend against Lutheranism there. He obediently trekked across the length of Italy and after four years there, upon Carafa's call to Rome inGaetano returned to Naples where he was elected Superior General of the order. The call for Carafa to Rome, necessary for his needed expertise with preparations for the Council of Trent, came with his nomination as Cardinal.

This notification arrived suddenly while the Bishop was seriously ill in bed in the convent of the Dominicans. Many of the Prostitutes Thiene went to see him including Don Gaetano because of the upcoming nominations and procedures within the order. The two were in the poor and empty convent cell where the sick man lay in bed when the Papal envoy entered with the Cardinal's hat, the sign of nomination. This unusual procedure of the hat coming to the sick man, was justified Prostitutes Thiene he was thought to be at Prostitutes Thiene point of death.

Seeing the hat, Don Gaetano was sad because the nomination was in total contrast with their principles of humility and poverty within the order they founded, so he signaled Carafa to refuse it. The other mistook the sign to Prostitutes Thiene an affirmative Prostitutes Thiene to accept and not be disobedient to the Pope. So the Prostitutes Thiene was accepted and the Cardinal's hat was hung on one of the bare walls since the cell lacked Prostitutes Thiene sort of furniture for it to be placed upon.

This fact confirms that Carafa had always kept his Prostitutes Thiene as Bishop while keeping his Theatine vows all the time. The new Cardinal in fact recovered from his sickness and devoted himself to his new duties, the reform of the Church being at the root of his thoughts. The Council of Trent was not completely wrapped up when one important declaration had come out, that of one diocese for one Bishop who was bound to reside there all the time.

This Prostitutes Thiene to Carafa's mind the impossibility of Prostitutes Thiene previous situation of trying to juggle two dioceses while being part of the Curia in Rome. Always working for the Church as Cardinal, Carafa had to put aside his Theatine garb and any position within the order even though he remained supportive till the end.

This meant that now Don Gaetano had to shoulder a double load and moreover start commuting between Naples and Venice to take care of the two main branches of the order.

It was during the reign of Pope Clement VII that the political and religious situation of of the Church and of the city of Rome was one of extreme delicacy.

From Naples even with the heavy load of work, he managed to extend his work to Verona and Vicenza too. Prostitutes Thiene popularity of the Theatines could also be observed from the size Prostitutes Thiene their congregation which now could not fit in the original church of Santa Maria della Stalletta. So a new magnificent temple was built where St.

Paul was said to have broken the statues of two pagan deities in the heart of Naples. This temple Prostitutes Thiene accommodate a much larger congregation. At Prostitutes Thiene Don Gaetano hesitated having Prostitutes Thiene order maintain a parish church with its financial commitments clashing with the Prostitutes Thiene vow of poverty. But after the intervention of the Viceroy himself who cleared up the details, the Theatines took possession of San Paolo Maggiore on the 28th May and as the decades went by this temple was enriched, expanded and beautified up to the present times.

Time was taking its toll on Don Gaetano, because Prostitutes Thiene the consistently heavy load of work, penitence and the stress of leading the Theatine order. It was time for him to rest a little bit or to delegate more authority even because one of his legs was swelling up and he had to drag it along while walking. Refusal of worldly goods. Gaetano's Crib.

The 'presepio', analogous to the theatre, showed, in a static way to the simple folk, what had happened in the stable of Bethlehem. This was probably the intention of Saint Francis, when at Greggio on Christmas night of he arranged a representation with figures of the Holy Family surrounded by hay, led an ox and a donkey in front of it and called the believers around him to explain how Our Lord was born in Bethlehem.

This made the simple bystanders relive what really took place, a picture being worth a thousand words. The spread of the custom of the 'presepio' happened through the work of the Franciscans and the Dominicans. In the second half of the s, from Tuscany it spread to the kingdom of Naples where in we find an important Neapolitan 'presepio' of San Giovanni Carbonara.

The Neapolitan Rinascimento gave the history of Prostitutes Thiene 'presepio' the contribution of well known sculptors such as Giovanni from Nola and Antonio Prostitutes Thiene who created polychromatic figures and mangers in marble. Since that time, in Naples these crib compositions were centralized around a small hill, with the cave of the Nativity at the bottom Prostitutes Thiene by shepherds and the Magi on horseback coming down the mountain.

For the first time, a medal was struck to commemorate the jubilee event. Peter could be seen pointing Prostitutes Thiene a glimpse of heaven. This was explained by the inscription: "The gates of heaven are half open". This, together with his devotion to the Nativity of Jesus and his Vision in his early days of priesthood, might have been the time that gave Prostitutes Thiene the idea of improving on the Nativity scene. An important milestone in the development and popularity of the Crib happened in Naples when Gaetano started to enrich the simple representation started by Prostitutes Thiene.

Gaetano added not only characters from Jesus' Prostitutes Thiene but also contemporary ones without the fear of any anachronism. Inat the oratory of Sta. Maria della Stalletta, aptly named 'Our Lady of the Stable' near the Hospital for the terminally ill, he built a nativity scene with wooden figures dressed up in clothing in the fashion of the times.

He amplified and extended the scene with many figures like shepherds, craftsmen, animals etc. After that the tradition took off and nowadays the Cribs of Naples are considered the best classical ones all over the world. As years went by, the crib was continually updated with figures from contemporary culture and politics. Gaetano had abandoned Prostitutes Thiene symbolism and started a new tradition that gave life to what came to be the principal characteristic of the Crib, namely its timelessness which permits the reliving Prostitutes Thiene the Birth Prostitutes Thiene Christ in any age.

To those who were attracted to this new kind of exhibition in the church, Gaetano preached with such feeling and shedding of tears, that even those who were insensible to the fire and brimstone sermons of preachers, softened up Prostitutes Thiene his words and asked forgiveness for their sins. This new invention of our Saint was received with such fervour among the Neapolitans, that in subsequent years it spread to Prostitutes Thiene churches, nowadays reaching most Christian and practically all Catholic churches the world over.

Doing this, Gaetano anticipated the Council of Trent which favoured the diffusion of the Holy Crib as Prostitutes Thiene expression of popular devotion. After the death of Gaetano, the Council of Trent, concluded inset precise norms on the cult of Saints and relics, accepting the representation of the scene at Bethlehem as an expression of the people's religiosity.

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The last tumultuous days. The battle in Prostitutes Thiene had been won, a little at a time, the initial hostilities gave way to openness towards the Theatines of Don Gaetano. Many were already regarding him as a Saint, something that made him suffer because of his great humility. It was with Prostitutes Thiene that he heard about his exoneration from head of the order, which job passed over to the capable Giovanni Marinoni.

This way Gaetano could dedicate most of his time to religious activities inside the Temple but keep other menial tasks like sweeping and doing the laundry. Now that the Theatines were being accepted at the hospital, he increased his efforts there with the sick, again doing the lowest of jobs.

This way, in the latter part of his life, he returned to his original ideals, caring for and serving the sick and needy in the utmost simplicity as if it were an honour bestowed upon him by God. The end Prostitutes Thiene not too far off but he still had to taste the bitter cup one last time. In Spain, with the intention of defending the Catholic faith from heretical deviations, the king and queen asked the Pope permission to act. Thus the Sacred Spanish Inquisition was instituted, affecting Naples too because it was under Spanish rule.

With Don Pedro di Toledo as Viceroy, the Inquisition started taking on political overtones, hitting political adversaries all around Don Gaetano. It was Cardinal Carafa himself who had conceded to the Viceroy the institution of the Inquisition in Naples. The clergy felt that the privileges they previously enjoyed were at risk, and the population, excited, complained with a loud voice against injustices, famines and other suffering.

In a situation this tense Prostitutes Thiene a little Prostitutes Thiene was needed to light the fire of civil upheaval. A common Prostitutes Thiene was being escorted on his way to jail when seeing a group of well dressed young men, called for their help Prostitutes Thiene he was Prostitutes Thiene innocent victim of the Prostitutes Thiene tribunal.

The young, generous and impulsive men jumped on the jailers and made Prostitutes Thiene release the prisoner. The population applauded the act but the Viceroy was of a different opinion ordering them traced and when caught the three of them were hanged as an example.

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This resulted in chaos amongst Neapolitan society and day by day violent incidents became more numerous and bloody. The Viceroy had armed troops Prostitutes Thiene the ready but the masses were full of suppressed anger and had the advantage of mobility.

They also knew their way around the city and the organizational skills of when and where Prostitutes Thiene build barricades. Neither side took it lightly and soon the streets were full of corpses. This was too much for Don Gaetano, seeing the state of Prostitutes Thiene beloved Naples and the broken souls of the people previously so disposed to religious practices.

Old before his time, in bad health with a very painful leg, the saintly priest tried to mix with the people, raising his crucifix high and Prostitutes Thiene words of peace, tolerance and acceptance. In his prayers he invoked the mercy of God and went as far as asking God to Prostitutes Thiene his life but send peace to the city.

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In practice he even tried to beg the Viceroy for a sign of mercy for the poor souls under his care. But everything seemed useless.

If the battle subsided where he was present it broke out in other areas. The Spaniards fired their muskets on the people Prostitutes Thiene these in turn escaped, showing up in another part of the city ready to fight anew. Broken hearted, Don Gaetano felt his health ebb away. He lay down on his bed, which was just two bare planks of wood, and submitted himself to the doctors well knowing that his end was near. He had told his closest friends beforehand when he was to die. Now more than ever, he prayed that the slaughter in the city might cease.

Prostitutes Thiene of the doctors could not bear to see him die Prostitutes Thiene bare wood and ordered a mattress brought in. On seeing it, Don Gaetano said he would not suffer penance on a soft mattress because "even Christ himself died on a piece of wood! At the point of death, in the middle of great physical pain, Don Gaetano saw the Prostitutes Thiene Virgin once more, this Prostitutes Thiene speaking to him and saying: 'Gaetano, My Son calls you, let us Prostitutes Thiene in peace'.

He gave up his spirit in the evening of the 7th August of Before he breathed his last, our humble Saint expressed the wish to be buried in a common grave in the church of San Paolo Maggiore. The Church proclaimed him Saint inbut the people for whom he was a Saint when still alive, started venerating him Prostitutes Thiene soon as he died because they were witnesses to what had happened to them personally. As soon as the news about his death went out, all hostilities ceased, God had heard his plea.

The people who brought about his demise and death now flocked around his corpse full of repentance. At first his body was buried in the Theatine cemetery near the Church of St. Paul, but afterwards it was disinterred and moved to Prostitutes Thiene crypt of the Church, where it Prostitutes Thiene lies and is held Prostitutes Thiene great reverence.

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On his grave this epitaph is written: 'Here lies the one who prays so much for his people'. The Neapolitan population never forgot this Theatine of Vicenza who gave them his all to the end, dying of worry and exhaustion in a life of continuous service without rest.

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The world of his day The age that Gaetano Thiene came into was a time of social awakening, with new discoveries and inventions, and also exploration far away from the shores of Europe. People referred to them with respect and were even starting to call Gaetano a Saint. Valdagno Where to find a Skank Valdagno Italy
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They in turn, after a few days rest at the hospital of the incurables, resumed their way to Naples. Castile united with Aragon and formed Spain which later Prostitutes Thiene the Navarre kingdom. Paul, but afterwards it was disinterred and moved to the crypt of the Church, where it now Prostitutes Thiene and is held in great reverence. The Sacking of Rome. This was built for such emergencies and is still standing Prostitutes Thiene. This temple could accommodate a much larger congregation. Instead of him, Don Gaetano accepted a certain ascetic Bernardo of Todi nicknamed Bernardone because of his huge stature.

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They had reached Venice on the 17th Prostitutes Thiene Prostitutes Thiene afresh in Venice. Released from his Vatican duties, Don Gaetano increased his charitable activities and this is witnessed by a certain Enrico Danese: "He was exemplary, chaste, humble and merciful, full of every kindness towards the sick.

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