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Prostitutes Portici, Cui trovare a slut in Portici, Campania

The Eighteen Carat Virgin


All these meretrices, although they were deprived of civil rights, nevertheless had to pay a certain tax in favor of the city, which was contrary to the spirit of the law. They were overflowing with Prostitutes Portici kinds of offerings, mirrors and other toiletries, lamps, and especially priapes, brought by vow.

Among the Prostitutes Portici in these night meetings were people of various classes, including the Romans and the Romans of high society, and Prostitutes Portici number was enormous. It was no longer a society, not a circle of people - the whole people took part in a terrible debauchery; they even conspired against Prostitutes Portici existing state system.

This last circumstance forced the consul Postumius to take a closer acquaintance with this society, which he announced to the Prostitutes Portici. This Prostitutes Portici prompted the Senate to cancel these meetings inwhich dealt a significant blow to the cult of Bacchus. Having canceled the Bacchanalia Prostitutes Portici some time, the Romans still retained the cult of Prostitutes Portici "good goddess.

In his sixth satire, Juvenal gives a description, the analysis of which we have given in our other work. The Liberales belonged to the same kind of festivities; took place in Prostitutes Portici, in honor of Pater liber Prostitutes Portici of Bacchus. Phallus also played a prominent role in the Liberales festivities.

Among the Romans, as we know, this symbol of male power was called Mutun. Augustine, who was worshiped not in secret, but quite openly; during Liberales he was solemnly transported in a chariot to the outskirts of the city. In Prostitutes Portici, the celebration of the god Liber Prostitutes Portici lasted for a whole month, during which, according to Varro, people indulged in pleasures and debauchery. Voluptuous songs, obscene speech perfectly matched the actions.

The magnificent chariot, in which the huge Phallus was placed, slowly moved towards Here she stayed and one of the Roman matrons, mater familias, placed a Prostitutes Portici on this indecent image. Prostitutes Portici Rome, as Prostitutes Portici Athens, there were two broad classes of prostitutes: prostitutes, who practiced their Prostitutes Portici in brothel houses, in lupanaria, and free courtesans, whose number was very large; many married women secretly entered the ranks of these latter, some with the permission of their husbands, others without their permission.

True, there were times when the Roman youth wanted, under the name arnica, to raise the most prominent of their courtesans to the height of the Athenian and Corinthian hetaira. Nevertheless, in Rome there have never been women equal to the getters of Greece, who combined a high intellectual culture with beauty.

The Romans were too sensual in their passions and too proud of their political power to make courtesans their co-workers; moreover, these latter did not shine with intelligence or education. Their sensual natures recognized in a woman only a comrade in orgies, in the gross satisfaction of their animal instincts. They contented Prostitutes Portici with kept women and called them delicatae or pretiosae if they knew only rich people, dressed well, Prostitutes Portici were surrounded by a certain luxury.

For the common people there was a category of public women of a lower rank, who were called prostibulae and were subdivided into putae, alicariae, casoritoe, capae, diabolae, forariae, blitidae, nostuvigilae, prosedae, perigrinae, quadrantariae, vagae, scrota, depending on which scrantiae, - whether they visited bakeries, pubs, public squares, intersections, cemeteries, or the surrounding forests.

Further, among them there were distinguished more or less young Italians and foreign women who were waiting for clients at their homes, inviting them from windows or at the corner of the street, setting a more or less high price for themselves, seeking acquaintance with free citizens, slaves or freedmen. All these names are valuable insofar Prostitutes Portici they acquaint us with the spread of public prostitution in all parts of the city, under various conditions; further we see that there were no restrictive conditions in this direction, except for registration and payment of the tax, meretricium However, dancers and flutists were singled out as a separate category; they resembled the famous Greek aletrida.

The Roman police allowed them to practice their craft without extending the power of licentia sturpi Prostitutes Portici them.

Almost all of them came from the East, from Greece, Prostitutes Portici or Asia, and very soon they became famous in Rome for their great experience in the secrets of voluptuousness. They sold themselves at a high price and increased the income from their musical arts through income from prostitution. They appeared only among rich people towards the end of feasts, in the midst of orgies. Among the foreign dancers, the greatest success fell to the lot Prostitutes Portici Spanish women from Cadiz.

Marcial and Juvenal say that with their Prostitutes Portici they knew how to excite voluptuous desires in all spectators. Among them were saltalrices, fidicinae, tubicinoe, that is, dancers who later played the flute and lyre.

It is impossible to imagine how shameless were the bodily movements to which they resorted, depicting with their facial expressions, to the sounds of instruments, the various phases Prostitutes Portici love; they resembled the auletridis of Athens and Corinth, with the only difference that the Roman dancers did not possess the charm of the famous courtesans of Greece.

True, for a long time some of them had the honor of being loved by the great Latin poets, such as Horace, Ovid, Catullus, Propertius, Tibullus.

Cicero and some other prominent citizens were frequent guests at Citera's table, but in general these women never played a prominent role in public affairs. High-ranking courtesans, bonae meretrices, set the tone, were trendsetters, attracted representatives of the aristocracy, ruined the old and indulged in debauchery with the young, thus paralyzing their physical and moral Prostitutes Portici, but this is all their meaning is exhausted.

The luxury that surrounded them was as dazzling as the splendor of the Athenian hetaira. In all its audacious splendor, it unfolded on the sacred road.

There in the evenings one could meet them in flashy outfits covered with jewels; they competed with each other in flirtatiousness and, lounging with voluptuous bliss, strolled up Prostitutes Portici down in a stretcher carried by a whole detachment of strong blacks. They played with their fans with amazing grace, or held a metal mirror in their hands, which convinced them of the grace of their hair and reflected the reflection of a golden diadem on their blond hair.

Some of them rode on horseback, dexterously driving horses or Prostitutes Portici covered with luxurious blankets. Others went on foot, but always accompanied by several slaves, who walked in front or Prostitutes Portici to carry out their amorous errands.

Despite their wealth, the Prostitutes Portici did not oblige them to observe the rate determined for prostitutes, and therefore did not subject them to licentia stupri: the law, as everywhere and always, was written only for the poor. And in our time, high-flying sideways are not registered with the police prefecture. Roman Bonae Prostitutes Portici were very good at communicating their intentions to those men whom they met on walks.

With the play of the eyes, the almost imperceptible movements of the hands and fingers, the eloquent facial expressions of the lips - they were able to express as much, if not more, as in a long speech. However, such amorous pantomime was not an exclusive feature of prostitutes; of course, they were Prostitutes Portici by great art, but all lovers spoke this language, no matter what class of society they belonged to.

For the prostitution of the common people, special corners were set aside in Rome, which were known to the police and sanctioned by its authorities and, in addition, houses of tolerance. Each of these institutions also had corresponding inhabitants; the registered ones lived in lupanarias, the free ones lived in hotels, wine shops, bakeries and barbers' houses. In similar dating houses, married women and young girls arranged their love meetings.

Brothels were located mainly in such distant Prostitutes Portici from the center as, for example, in the Subura quarter near the Delhi bridge near the barracks, in the Esquiline quarter and around the large circus. Some of them were located in the city center near the Temple of Peace: of course, these were the most aristocratic Prostitutes Portici, which were better maintained than others. The folk lupanaria, which Tertullian called the consistories of public debauchery, were a whole series of dark cells filled with completely naked people of both sexes.

The tax imposed on prostitution was collected in advance. Each such cell had an entrance and an exit door on two streets.

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All the furnishings of such a cell were limited to a reed Prostitutes Portici or a bad bed, pulvinar, a dirty, patched bedspread, cento, then a lamp filled with fetid oil, which impregnated the clothes with the smell of its smoke, and thus it was easy to recognize those who had visited these houses of debauchery.

On the walls were crude paintings of obscene content. At Prostitutes Portici door of the Lupanaria was attached a sign in the form of a priapus, which eloquently testified to the purpose of this house; at night it was replaced by a lantern, which was Prostitutes Portici the same shape. Finally, a tag was hung over each cell with the inscription nuda when there was no one in the cell, or occupata when she was busy; the tax Prostitutes Portici the caress of its inhabitant was immediately marked, which made bargaining unnecessary.

In aristocratic lupaparia, the cells did not go out into Prostitutes Portici street, but inside the courtyard or patio, in the middle of which there was a fountain with a pool. Pictures of obscene content were Prostitutes Portici here by scenes from mythology written on the steppes, in which the gods and goddesses made sacrifices of love.

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The atmosphere was very comfortable, and amateurs could always find a whole staff here, ready to serve them. Ancillae ornatrices Prostitutes Portici this was the name of the maids whose duties were to take care of the girls' toilet; they had to dress and undress them, dress them up, blush them, whiten them, etc. Aquarioli brought refreshments and Prostitutes Portici to the visitors; bacario brought the water necessary for Prostitutes Portici kinds of hygienic washing, which the man and woman resorted to before and after coitus "a; villicus - the confidant of Leno or Lena pimp, pimp ; the owner of the brothel leno or lenato whom the amount was handed over, The Admissarii were women and men whose duty was to call clients on the streets and bring them to the Lupanarium, so they were Prostitutes Portici called adductores or conductores.

The number of Prostitutes Portici was very significant, and yet the mass of women were engaged in secret prostitution. This Prostitutes Portici of prostitution developed initially in military camps, despite the strict military discipline of the ancients, which did not allow women to follow the army.

Valery Maxim, noting this fact, adds that this phenomenon has taken on such extensive dimensions that the young Scipio, taking command of the African army Prostitutes Portici the third Punic war and eager to reform it as soon as possible, ordered to Prostitutes Portici from there two thousand public women Sabatier. Women engaged in secret prostitution, that Prostitutes Portici, not included in the lists of the aediles, were awarded a fine, and those caught a second time were expelled from the city; they were exempted from punishment if there was a surety in the person of leno, who legitimized their position, accepting them among his boarders.

Nevertheless, in Rome there were a lot of wandering prostitutes, erratica scrota, for whom the street, public roads, steps of monuments, benches in markets, grave monuments, vaults of aqueducts, the foot of the statue of Venus or Priapus were their home.

Prostitutes Portici zealous and sometimes even financially interested aediles could not successfully fight secret prostitution; scandalous scenes, major and minor crimes took place all the time. However, all of them responded only to the interests of the fiscal, but were by no means considered an encroachment on public morality.

Almost every night, preceded by the lictors, the aediles made their rounds and sometimes condescended to pursuing the she-wolves, who in filthy dens were trying to find food for themselves.

But they very willingly made police raids on some Prostitutes Portici shelters. Sometimes they dispensed even without prior notification of the lictors and demanded affection from some courtesans, believing that Prostitutes Portici a demand was the prerogative of their power. Under such circumstances, Hostilius Mantsin was wounded by a stone thrown by the courtesan Mamilia, to whom he wanted to break in by force Prostitutes Portici the pretext of inspecting her room. Debauchery among women in Rome was not limited to prostitution; for the same purpose, Prostitutes Portici girls were recruited who immediately fell on the path of vice; these sacrifices satisfied the gross lust of the amatores.

A lantern was hung at the door, which brighter than usual illuminated the entrance to the brothel. This unclean thief of virginity imagined himself to be a brilliant winner and glorified his victory by playing the musicians who also belonged to the staff of the brothel.

This custom, allowed by the aediles, was a blood grievance for philistine morals, since young newlyweds, especially from among Prostitutes Portici common people, kept the same customand also decorated the doors of their dwelling with laurel branches Prostitutes Portici the day after the wedding. Ornontur postes et grandi janua laura.

Tertullian, speaking of the newlywed, condemns her "for daring to Prostitutes Portici out of this door, decorated with garlands and lanterns, as if from a new den of public debauchery. It must be assumed that they paid very dearly Prostitutes Portici the virgins, since Latin writers testify to a very modest general remuneration in the Lupanarii. So, Juvenal, speaking of Messalina, demanding reward for her caresses, writes: "Aera poposcit", that is, requires several copper coins.

Petronius says the same through the mouth of Ascyltus when he comes to the Lupanarium accompanied by the "venerable old man": lam pro cella meretrix assem exegerat. Even the overseer for the girls received one ass per room. However, this trade in virginity was sometimes a simple speculation on the part of pimps.

The imaginary virgins came across much more often than the real ones. Lucilius, in one of his satyrs, gives the young novice the following practical advice: "Take the girls without any guarantees. Along with the official pimps, the medicines were also assistants to the courtesans of the highest flight and matrons, to whom, in their love affairs, they gave advice and help.

All these women who provided medical help in love affairs were known by various names, medicae, obstetrices, sagae. The most covetous partners in prostitution were mainly the sagae.

Everyone knows that from there the French sage femme originates, a name that Stern absolutely thoroughly recommends not to be confused with femme Prostitutes Portici smart woman. In one of the epigrams mentioned in "La Medicine et les Prostitutes Portici de la Rome antique d" apres les poets latins ", Martial speaks of these medicae, who treated the hysterical woman, the beautiful Ledoux, married to a frail old man. The Obstetrices were, properly speaking, midwives; Prostitutes Portici assistants they consisted of adstetrices.

Sagae, along with Prostitutes Portici and obstetrices, were present at childbirth and treated Prostitutes Portici female diseases. However, all of these were generally women of low morality, they were mainly engaged in the smuggling trade, the arrangement of abortions and pimping.

From their midst came sorceresses, Prostitutes Portici, sorceresses, perfumers, Prostitutes Portici, and so on. All these activities were stamped with superstition, the calculation of the flirtatiousness of women, their depravity and gullibility affected. They somehow combined a procurer, a midwife and an outfit saleswoman.

With their assistance, illegitimate children disappeared without a trace; Prostitutes Portici the help of sacrifices, they prepared a successful pregnancy and a successful birth. They were responsible for bathing the newborn baby and going after the woman in labor for 5 days. They were called when a newborn fell ill, and all the treatment in this case was that the child's torso was covered with amulets and Juno, Lucina, Diana and even Castor and Pollux were called for help.

In Pliny, we find a description of methods of treating certain diseases with the help of fresh or dried menstrual blood.

In the treatment of intermittent fever and rabies, virus lunare was applied by rubbing or simply applying to the skin, with a sachet or silver medallion serving for this Prostitutes Portici. This blood, according to Roman midwives, had another property: a woman during her period destroyed all caterpillars and insects in the fields if she walked around them one or more times.

On the other hand, the plants under the influence of this blood became sterile, Prostitutes Portici fruits fell from the trees, the bees were driven out, Prostitutes Portici razor's edge was dulled, etc.

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The private Prostitutes Portici of these women passed according to their ignorance, they had a weakness for wine, as we see, for example, in Adriennethe charming comedy Terence, where the saga Lesbia, called upon to help the young Glyceria, is portrayed as a drinking companion of old slave women. The same Lesbia, but according to the same Prostitutes Portici, prescribed her patient a bath immediately after giving birth and told her to eat four egg yolks. In Rome, as in Athens, midwives not only monopolized the production of miscarriages and infanticide — these crimes were almost permissible by law and public morality — but also the concealment and throwing of newborns.

They carried the newborn, from whom the mother was trying to get rid of, to the banks of the Velabra, to the foot of the Aventine Hill. Others came to this terrible place, who needed these children, doomed to death, Prostitutes Portici receive some kind of inheritance. Juvenal, in his excellent satire on Prostitutes Portici, rightly remarks: "I am talking about the murder of children and the treachery of Prostitutes Portici women who, mocking the vows and joy of their husbands, bring them heirs from the Prostitutes Portici of the vile Velabr, whose fathers they consider themselves to be.

These evil creatures did not stop at any crime to satisfy their greed; they sold fluids to stimulate sexual feelings and to suppress it, and the composition of the fluids, according to Horace, sometimes included the blood of the infant they had killed. Medicines Canidia, recipes for Salpe, Hippomin, Eryngion Sappho - these are the means by which their therapy and pharmacology were exhausted. It would be useless to look for new Prostitutes Portici from other authors and study in more detail with this subject; the functions of the medicines in Rome are now clear to us.

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In the spirit of Roman law, the expulsion of the fetus was punished very strictly, but this law was not actually applied and the authorities did not prevent medicines from Prostitutes Portici in their lucrative craft. The text of the law read literally the following:. The rich are exiled to the island and some of their property is confiscated.

If the result of the medication drunk is the death of a mother or a child, then the guilty person is punished with the death Prostitutes Portici.

Qui abortitionis poculum dant, et si dolo Prostitutes Portici faciant, humiliores ad metallum, honestiores Prostitutes Portici insurlam, amissa parte honorum, relegantur. Quod si poculo mulier aut homo perierit, summo supplicio afficiuntur. Prostitutes Portici, the etching of the fruit became common in Roman customs and was carried out openly. Juvenal, in a satire directed against the hypocrites, brings out Domitian, who writes laws against adultery, while his niece Julia is famous for her abortions.

Quum tot abortivis foecundam Iulia vulvani. She removed from her fertile womb still quivering remains, which, by their resemblance to her uncle, testified against him. Solveret, et patruo similes effunderet offas. So, we see that Julia resorted to abortion in order to destroy the evidence of her connection with Uncle Domitian. And most often women resorted to miscarriages for similar reasons.

Corinne, Ovid's beloved, did the same in order to destroy evidence of her connection with the poet. Dum ladefacat onus gravidi temeraria ventris, in dubio vita lassa Corinna jacet. Ovid, who was not an accomplice in this crime, was outraged by the act of his mistress, but then he asked the gods to grant her forgiveness; while he sent curses to the woman who first set an example of such an atrocity. Vestra quid effoditis subiectis viscera telis et nondum natis dira venena datis.

He ends his Prostitutes Portici elegy with the following words:. Saere, Prostitutes Portici utero quae negat, ipsa perit. Ipsa perit, ferturque Prostitutes Portici resoluta capillos: et clamant, merito! I blushed and looked down from shame. To rid my womb - we have hidden this from you - from the ever-growing Prostitutes Portici But the child is tenacious, he resisted all the tricks of art and was already beyond the power of his secret enemy.

Prostitutes Portici we see that most often the expulsion of the fetus was caused by means of fertile means, these means did not always turn out to be valid, and the child remained unharmed in the mother's womb. Then it was necessary to resort to piercing the egg with Prostitutes Portici help of a deadly iron Prostitutes Portici, as Prostitutes Portici done with that young girl who "died by destroying her child.

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However, Roman women resorted to miscarriages not only with the aim of destroying the fruit of an illegal relationship. Sometimes, and according to Ovid Prostitutes Portici even for the most part, this was done in order to avoid disfigurement of the figure, scars on the abdomen, which deprived the lover of some illusion So, the desire to escape from all the troubles of pregnancy, from birth pangs, maternal concerns, to preserve all your charm in order to please lovers - this was the morality of the Roman matron in the era of decline.

Aulu-Gelle, full of just indignation, addresses Prostitutes Portici with the following words:. So, apparently, thinks most of our ladies, prodigiosae mulieres; they try to drain and drain these sacred springs from which the human race draws life, and risk spoiling milk or losing it altogether, as if it spoils these attributes of beauty.

The same madness Prostitutes Portici them to remove the fetus by means of various harmful drugs, and all this is done so that the smooth surface of their abdomen does not become covered with folds and does not sink under the weight of the burden and birth pangs. Prostitutes Portici have already mentioned that sagae, in addition to pandering and Prostitutes Portici the fetus, were also engaged in the supply of cosmetics Prostitutes Portici perfumery products and medicines that induce sexual arousal.

To prepare them, they used all sorts of aromatic substances from Asia and Africa, which had an exciting effect on the genitals. It is in this excessive use of drugs that one should Prostitutes Portici the reason for the excessive lasciviousness and sexual excesses that were inherent in the Romans.

Prostitutes Portici, all ranks Prostitutes Portici prostitution constituted, in one way or another, the clientele of the sagae, who, be they perfumers or sorceresses, midwives or procurers, were still generally old courtesans Prostitutes Portici in the field of prostitution.

In Rome, the use of perfume was very widespread: everyone stifled - men, women, children, public women and homosexuals; therefore, the craft of the sagae, as well as the barbers, zealous accomplices of pederasty, was very profitable.

At sunrise and sunset, before the feast, after bathing, the Romans rubbed the whole body with fragrant oils; clothes and hair were impregnated with fragrant essences, aromatic powder was burned in the rooms, it was also consumed in food, in drinks, in water intended for washing and for furniture, they were sprinkled with blankets on the beds.

Due to the pungent smell of incense, the entire nervous system was in a state of continuous excitement and irritation. It goes without saying that the main consumers were the revelers and courtesans, who used them in large numbers. The whole body of both lovers was rubbed with alcoholic incense, and it was previously washed with fragrant water; incense smoked in the room, as before the sacrifice; the bed was decorated with garlands of flowers and strewn with rose petals, all the furniture fell in a rain of people and cinamon.

The aromatic waters were often replaced during the long hours of love, in an Prostitutes Portici more fragrant than on Olympus itself. All kinds of devices for debauchery, all objects that provided prostitution with the means for artificially stimulating sensuality - all this served as the subject of the secret trade of the sagae. We will not describe all these instruments of depravity and corruption, to the help of which the cult of unnatural love resorted.

This retribution, as we will see later, was expressed in various diseases of the genital organs: the outflow of fluid, ulcers and condylomas of the anus. And how could it be otherwise with the presence of vile ways of Prostitutes Portici and sodomy, when women needed artificial Phallus, since natural sexual relations no longer satisfied their satiated sensuality? Men to arouse sexual feelings resorted to annoying suppositories, to unnatural Prostitutes Portici especially they were abused by libertines, relaxed by all sorts of refined methods of prostitution.

Prostitutes Portici called all these devices by the Prostitutes Portici name "Fascina. Viridis urticae fascem comprehendit, omniaque infra urabilicum coepit lenta manu coedere. Then, taking a bunch of fresh nettles in his hand, he whips it down the lower abdomen.

Among the accomplices of prostitution, one should also mention the servants in the public baths, since, of course, the Lupanarii and other places of legal prostitution did not exhaust all the debauchery of Rome. Among Prostitutes Portici were the terms, about which Petronius quite rightly notes:. Balnea, vina, Venus, corrumpunt corpora sana; et vitam faciunt balnea, vina, Venus.

Baths, wine, love, destroy bodily health and at Prostitutes Portici same time all the beauty of life in baths, wine and love.

A young virgin escapes the clutches of an evil step dad and is 'rescued' by two seasoned prostitutes. They show her the ropes and begin making some over-the-top. Female Stud Service: Directed by Emilio Portici. which has a staff of bellboys who double as gigolos (or male prostitutes, take your pick of terms).

At about sin o'clock in the afternoon, the ringing of the bell announced the opening of these institutions. Some of them were intended for the aristocracy, Prostitutes Portici for the rabble.

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The entrance fee to these latter was very low, in some, the entrance was even free, since they were arranged and maintained at the expense of wealthy people, as a means of electoral campaigning. In general terms, the baths were arranged in such a way that the halls were semi-dark, and there was a separate compartment for Prostitutes Portici floor. But later the lighting was strengthened, and the baths were made common.

This confusion led, of course, to Prostitutes Portici greatest corruption of morals. The baths had pools that could fit up to people. Prostitutes Portici, women and children splashed completely naked in the water. These vast aquatic lupanariums represented a vast field of action for the development of prostitution. And she flourished with the most blatant cynicism Prostitutes Portici front of the aediles.

They not only made appointments with each other, not only played out scenes of debauchery in public, but here they committed the most monstrous abominations.

Roman Lesbians offered their vicious caresses and taught their art to slaves and children. These latter were known by the name fellatores, the women were called fellatrices. And all these disgusting passions were played out in broad Prostitutes Portici. Read Juvenal, the satirical poems of Martial, the comedies of Plautus and Terence. The matrons were given to professional masseurs: Unctor sciebat dominam suam hujus modi titillatione et contretatione gaudere.

Juvenal says the same Prostitutes Portici in one of his famous poems. Thus, the baths were a place of public prostitution, debauchery and all kinds of excesses, since they often ate, drank, played, indulged in shameful voluptuousness, despite the decrees of some emperors, for example, Marcus Aurelius, Alexander Sever, despite the protests of honest citizens, foreseeing the misfortunes that threatened the country.

Further, prostitution found refuge in taverns, hotels and pubs. In a tavern or popina, in the dark, vaulted room on the lower floor, among the barrels and amorphs, men and women could be seen sitting at the tables.

Here they drank, ate, played and indulged in all kinds of debauchery. Inns, cauponae, had rooms that were rented out to visitors. As for the diversoria, they Prostitutes Portici nothing more than furnished hotels where they spent nights.

The Ediles were obliged to observe these institutions and brothels, where most of the criminals were hiding, and unregistered prostitutes who wanted to get rid of the tax on prostitution. The hoteliers were Prostitutes Portici for all the crimes they committed; aedile imposed numerous fines that were paid locally; otherwise, the culprit, coram populo, was punished with a certain number of blows of the rods. The basement floors of the bakery, which housed the mills for grinding grain, also served as a haven for itinerant prostitutes and their companions.

The Ediles reaped a good harvest here and did not interfere with the vile bargaining that went on here day and night. Finally, speaking of places where prostitution flourished, mention should be made of the dark corners that were under the stairs of the Prostitutes Portici, between the columns and cavae, where gladiators and beasts were Prostitutes Portici.

During the days of public games, all the lower-ranking courtesans indulged in debauchery in the damp dungeons of the arena. Inside the building, they signaled to the audience and left with them through Prostitutes Portici vomitaria. This lasted throughout the entire performance; they scurried to and fro, accompanied by the heralds, who were their pimps, along the cunei stairs, in the proecinctiones, the circular corridors between the Prostitutes Portici, where the emperor, vestals, senators and horsemen sat, and the stone Prostitutes Portici, the popularia, intended for the people.

The Ediles tolerated these shameful orgies, which, in fact, insulted public morality very little; from the owners of hotels, owners of furnished rooms, bakers, heralds and pimps, they demanded only the exact payment of the tax, the meretricium.

The institution of marriage, introduced in the interests of the state, by Prostitutes Portici strict laws of Romulus and his successors, created that severity of female morals, which later became the main feature of Rome.

The laws of Romulus four in number were necessary to curb the violent passions of the semi-savage people of that time, necessary in order to lay a solid foundation under the emerging state. However, the decrees on marriage, inscribed on copper tablets in the Capitol, concerned only Roman citizens, while freedmen and plebeians continued to freely indulge in competition and prostitution. This freedom was a major political mistake, and Prostitutes Portici inevitably had to create that hotbed of depravity, which later, during the time of the Empire, after the great wars with the Asian peoples, spread to all classes of society and gradually led to the decline of Rome.

Marriage in ancient Rome, depending on the terms of the marriage contract, gave those entering into it more or less significant civil rights and benefits. The marriage ceremony in the form of sacrificing panis farreus, that is, the very bread that the spouses ate during the Prostitutes Portici ceremony, was considered the most decent; this form of marriage presented women with more rights and signs of respect Prostitutes Portici others.

Another form, usucapio, was less respected and even called semi-marriage; this latter was the result of simple cohabitation for one year, provided that during that time there was no break for more than three days in a row. The licentiousness of morals contributed to the fact that usucapio became the most commonly used form. They did not see anything shameful in concubine: it was, as it were, a third form of marriage, and even the law calls it a permissible custom. However, the legality of this third marriage union was based solely on the goodwill of the persons entering into it.

The strength of such a marriage was determined only by Prostitutes Portici personal desire of Prostitutes Portici members, ex sola animi destinatione, in the words of the legislator. He received the name of cohabitation not enjoying Prostitutes Portici protection of law, injustae nuptiae.

The concubine was not considered a spouse; she only replaced the latter, differing from her in clothing. Her children were not members of her husband's family; communication with fellow citizens was allowed by law; they had no inheritance Prostitutes Portici. Concubines began to be looked especially contemptuously since the time when the law allowed to take concubines only from among slaves, women of low birth, or, Prostitutes Portici, women of nobility, but who descended to engage in prostitution or other trade, just as low and contemptible.

Concubines were almost indistinguishable from prostitutes. General depravity did not outrage morals, but, on the contrary, became an integral part of them. It is known from the writings of Roman historians what aversion to adultery was felt by Prostitutes Portici Romans of the republican period and to what terrible punishments the women who were guilty Prostitutes Portici this crime were subjected to.

They were publicly imprisoned in a shameful vice, harnessed like animals to the executioner's chariot, and, finally, publicly desecrated. While the Roman matron, the mater familias, enjoyed universal respect and droppings, while the vestals constantly maintained Prostitutes Portici sacred fire of chastity on the altars, many women and girls from the people indulged in the worst form of slavery: prostitution.

A woman publicly engages in prostitution, not only Prostitutes Portici she sells her body in places of debauchery, but also when she does not keep her honor in drinking houses and other places that she visits.

Public debauchery means the behavior Prostitutes Portici a woman who indiscriminately gives herself up to every man. This concept does not embrace, however, either married women guilty of adultery, or seduced maidens. The concept of Prostitutes Portici debauchery Prostitutes Portici not apply to women who give themselves up for money to one or two Prostitutes Portici. Octavian rightly ranks among women who engage in public debauchery, those who do not do it for money.

Public women were not Prostitutes Portici in the qualifications lists of the population ; they were registered on special lists drawn up by the aediles; the latter gave them permission to engage in debauchery, called licentia sturpi - that Prostitutes Portici, something analogous to modern cartes de perfectures tickets.

For a long time, these permits were issued only to women of plebeian origin; but in the era of the empire, when depravity reached its highest limit, and the patrician women achieved their entry into the lists. The concept of a prostitute was associated with shame, which in turn led to civil death in the legal sense.

The same was expected and, moreover, quite deservedly and lenocinium. An indelible stamp of shame fell on all agents of prostitution: public women and their owners, pimps and procurers leno and lenainnkeepers, hotel keepers, bakers, Prostitutes Portici and other merchants, united by the common name Prostitutes Portici fornicators - that is, on Prostitutes Portici those who speculated on the shameful trade in the human body.

The exclusively mediating nature of these pursuits, as the law stated, did not rid them of shame.

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All these meretrices, although they were deprived of civil rights, nevertheless had to pay a certain tax in favor of the city, which was contrary to the spirit of the law. This tax is called vectigal Prostitutes Portici meretricium. Alexander Sever, who did not like this type of taxation, kept it under Prostitutes Portici name of the tax on the maintenance of public buildings. Theodosius and Valentinian completely destroyed it, but their successors restored this tax, not seeing anything shameful in it.

Finally, Anastasius abolished him Prostitutes Portici. There was also a law on prostitution, which prohibited citizens from marrying slaves set free by lenons intermediaries ; the same law prohibited public women from marrying and senators from marrying the daughters of lenons. Prostitutes were required, according to police rules, to wear a special dress. Instead of a bashful table - Prostitutes Portici clothes of a Roman matron, reaching to the heels, prostitutes were supposed to have a Prostitutes Portici tunic Prostitutes Portici a toga with a slit in the front; these clothes confirmed the nickname togatae for them.

At one time they borrowed from Asian courtesans their dress of transparent Prostitutes Portici, sericae vestes, through which Prostitutes Portici whole body was visible. Prostitutes Portici the era of the empire, matrons also adopted this fashion and, in turn, took on the shameful look that so resented Seneca.

Prostitutes were not allowed to Prostitutes Portici white ribbons vittae teneswhich were Prostitutes Portici to maintain their hair by young girls and decent women. They had to wear a blonde wig or dye their hair yellow and wear a hood pelliolum outside. For the circus, theater Prostitutes Portici social gatherings, Prostitutes Portici special hairstyle was required, namely: miter, nimbo or tiara, if desired, with floral, sometimes gold ornaments or with precious stones.

The miter was less pointed than that of our prelates and, like the latter, it was decorated with two pendants that descended on the cheeks Finally, they were shod in sandals, while the matrons wore ankle boots. By order of Domitian, they were forbidden Prostitutes Portici walk the streets on a stretcher. Prostitutes Portici fact is that this kind of transportation, originally reserved for pregnant matrons, soon became something of a portable alcove for wealthy courtesans; this alcove was carried Prostitutes Portici eight slaves.

Walking in this way, women let their casual lovers into their alcove, and, drawing Prostitutes Portici curtains, surrendered to them; when the courtesans Prostitutes Portici alone on public walks, in patente sella, they assumed a horizontal position, stretched out on pillows, trying to attract the glances of men and arouse their desires. At the death of Domitian they began to use stretchers again, and Prostitutes Portici women followed suit; the Prostitutes Portici circumstance forced Seneca to say: "Then the Roman matrons reclined in their carriages, as if wishing to sell themselves at a public auction.

We have consistently reviewed all types of female prostitution in Rome: prostitution on the duty of hospitality, religious and legalized; the latter was the occupation of public women, of all ranks of she-wolves, of wealthy courtesans Prostitutes Portici matrons.

Now we have to get acquainted with the prostitution of men. It was just as widespread as female prostitution, and not only among the plebs, freedmen and slaves, but also in the highest circles: among emperors, senators, horsemen, etc. The vice and depravity of these persons will forever remain the subject of amazement of civilized peoples Here are some facts.

Julius Caesar But all this did not Prostitutes Portici him, and in addition to numerous love affairs with Roman matrons, in addition to an affair with the Prostitutes Portici queen Eunoe and with Cleopatra, he prostituted with men; the Prostitutes Portici of Prostitutes Portici, Nicomedes, was the first to seduce him with rumore prostratae regi pudicitiae. Cicero confirms this fact in his letters; Dolabella blamed Caesar for this from the Senate rostrum, calling him a royal concubine.

Prostitutes Portici came up with the names "Nicomedes' brothel" and "Bithinian prostitute" at his expense. Prostitutes Portici, speaking of Caesar, called him queen, and Pompey - king. Today Caesar celebrates the victory over Prostitutes Portici Gauls, Nicomedes does not celebrate the victory over Caesar. Caesar could only object to the fact that Semiramis reigned in Assyria and that the Amazons reigned in most of Prostitutes Portici. Such was Caesar as described by Suetonius; he was "the husband of all women and the wife of all men.

Mark Antony accused him of "having achieved his adoption Prostitutes Portici his uncle at the cost of his own dishonor. Once the people enthusiastically applied to him one verse, which was pronounced on the stage of the theater and referred to a certain priest of Cybele, who played the harp; this verse means:.

Here is what Suetonius says about this: "Octavius's friends were constantly looking for married women and young girls for him, whom he ordered to be shown naked in front of him, and in this form he regarded them as slaves sold in the markets in Torania. In this sense, commentators have interpreted the words "conditiones quaesitas", which the historian covered, so to speak, with a transparent veil. The guests had time to drink many glasses of wine to the glory of Caesar before she returned, accompanied by Octavius; her ears were on fire and her hair was in disarray.

Only my husband seemed not to notice anything. A certain anonymous author dedicated the following poem to this feast:. At its head, he put the Roman horseman Prostitutes Portici Priscus. Some of the rooms in his palace were decorated with drawings of the most lustful kind; next to them lay the Prostitutes Portici of Elephantis; thus everything in this room taught and gave examples of enjoyment, ne cui in opera edenda exemplar impretatae schemae decsset.

He is said to have taught little children, whom he called his little fish, to play between his legs when Prostitutes Portici bathed in the tub, to bite and suck on him; this kind of pleasure was most in line with his age and inclinations. He ordered to kill Mallonia, who publicly called him a disgusting old man, odscenitatae oris hirsuto atque olido seni clare exprobata.

He dressed Spore in the clothes of a queen and accompanied him on a stretcher; in this way they attended meetings and markets in Greece, as well Prostitutes Portici various quarters of Rome; during these walks, Nero kissed Spore from time to time, identidem exosculans.

There is no doubt that he wanted Prostitutes Portici make his own mother his mistress, but this was prevented by Agrippina's enemies Prostitutes Portici fear that this power-hungry and cruel woman would not use this new kind Prostitutes Portici love for evil.

He took as his concubine a courtesan very much like Agrippina; they even claim that whenever he rode on a stretcher with his mother, traces of emissions, libidinatum incesta ac maculis vestis proditum Prostitutes Portici, were noticed on his clothes.

He was depraved to such an extent that he did not have a single undefiled part of his body. Suam quidem pudicitiam usque adeo prostituit, ut contaminatis pene amnibus membris. He invented a new game, which consisted of the following: dressed in animal skins, he rushed from the box to men and women, tied to racks and representing the prey of his passions; having satisfied the latter, he himself became the prey of his freedman Dorifor, Prostitutes Portici he once married as Spore.

Conficeretur a Doryphoro liberto; cui etiam, sicut ipsi Sporus, ita ipse denupsit. Sodomy with the aforementioned Dorifor, Nero shouted, wanting to portray the suffering of the girls when they were deprived of their innocence.

Voces quoque et ejulatis vim patentium virginum imitatus. People who knew Nero told me, Suetonius adds, that he was convinced that not a single person in any part of his body can be innocent and that most people only know how to hide their vices; therefore, he forgave everything to Prostitutes Portici who confessed their sins.

There was absolutely nothing that could secure one against his lustful pursuits; he raped the young Aul Plaucius before sending him to execution. He was one of Prostitutes Portici most active planters of debauchery in Rome, in particular, the debauchery of Roman matrons.

He despised all cults except the cult of Isis, the goddess of Syria. Galba - One of his vices was pederasty; however, he preferred not gentle youths, but men of mature age. When Itzel, one of his former lovers, arrived in Spain to inform him of the death of Nero, Galba began to embrace him in the most frantic manner in front of everyone, kissed Prostitutes Portici, ordered him to cut his hair and restored him to his former duties.

Otton Prostitutes Portici, Vitellius - after Otto, who publicly performed the mysteries of Isis throughout his short reign, Vitellius became emperor of Rome. He spent his childhood and early youth in Capri, serving the whims of Tiberius, which was the first reason for the rise of his father: from that time he received the nickname spintria, which remained with him afterwards; This nickname was coined by Tiberius to designate one of the most monstrous types of debauchery.

His reign was the reign Prostitutes Portici jesters, grooms, and especially one of the freedmen Asiatic. The latter, from an early age, was associated with Vitellius by the bonds of mutual pederasty. Hunc adolesccnulem mutua libidine constupratum. Once Asiatic felt disgust for Vitellius and left him. Subsequently, Vitellius Prostitutes Portici found him in Prostitutes Portici and ordered him to be shackled; but then he freed him and renewed his connection with him.

Having become emperor, he once publicly at the table put a golden ring in front of the Asiatic - a sign of equestrian dignity. Commodus - He was as depraved and criminal as Caligula and Nero.

The historian Lampried writes that Prostitutes Portici was "shameless, angry, cruel, voluptuous and even desecrated his mouth. He made a house of debauchery out of his palace and attracted the most beautiful and young women there, who became, Prostitutes Portici it were, slaves of a brothel and served him as Prostitutes Portici means to satisfy the filthiest desires.

Popinas et ganeas in palatinis semper aedibus fecit; mulierculas formae scitioris, ut prostibula mancipia lupanarium pudicitiae contraxit.

He lived with jesters and public women; he visited the houses of debauchery, and there, dressed in the Prostitutes Portici of a eunuch, carried water and soft drinks to the rooms.

Beside him in the chariot on which he Prostitutes Portici entered Rome sat his lover, the disgusting Anter, whom he showered with the dirtiest caresses. With this Anter, Commodus used to spend part of the night in the brothels of Rome, from where he always went out drunk.

In his palace he kept several hundred women, among whom were matrons and prostitutes; he also had many concubines from the most varied walks of life; they were all designed to satisfy his filthy passions.

Every day, men and women were invited as guests to his table and to his imperial orgies. He ordered his concubines to indulge in a disgusting form of debauchery - Safism; then he arranged for himself a home for a common copulation of representatives of both sexes. Ipsas concubinas suas sub oculis suis stuprari jibebat; nec irruentium in se iuvenum caredat infamia, omni parte corporis atque ore in sexum utrumque pollutus.

He defiled everyone who was with him, Prostitutes Portici he himself was defiled by everyone, omne genus hominum infamavit quod erat secum et ad omnibus est infamatus. He was especially fond of debauchery with one freedman, who received the name Onon "and to the strength of some physical features that made him look like a donkey.

Before he began to debauchery with his Prostitutes Portici favorites, he raped his sisters and relatives and regretted that he had not been able to do the same with his mother. According to Herodian, Commodus was not able to lead such a depraved life for long; he acquired a disease that manifested itself in large swellings in the groin and numerous red spots on the face and eyes; a case of syphilis caused by sexual excesses and unnatural habits.

Heliogabalus - It was the embodiment of vices and unnatural insanity. He Prostitutes Portici in women's clothes, hung himself with jewelry and believed his glory in the fact that he gave himself decisively to everyone who came to him.

He was a worthy son of the courtesan of Semiamira and Caracalla. He made them look throughout the Empire for such men whose outstanding physical qualities would be combined with the voluptuousness of a courtesan. At circus games, he chose the largest gladiators to make them accomplices in his abominations.

In the same circus, he once drew attention to several grooms, whom he forced to take part in his dirty feasts; for one of these grooms, Hierocles, he had such a passion that he publicly gave him the most disgusting caresses. Hieroclem vero sic amavit ut eidem oscularetur inguina.

In order to be able to choose for himself lovers who had qualities attractive to him, ut ex eo conditiones bene vastatorum hominum colligeret, he arranged public baths in his palace, where he bathed with the entire population of Rome. For the same purpose, he daily visited all the houses of tolerance, the embankments of the Tiber and the alleys. He raised people with huge genitals to the highest ranks.

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Commendabos sidi pudibilium enormitate membrorum. One day he Prostitutes Portici a slave of gigantic stature with athletic forms. He carried him along with him, in spite of the fact that the slave was still covered with road dust, and immediately put him in his bedroom.

The next day, he solemnly celebrated the wedding. Heliogabalus' love for this slave was not a weak and temporary infatuation; on the Prostitutes Portici, he had such a strong and constant passion for him that instead of being angry with him for Prostitutes Portici beatings and rudeness, he caressed him even more Prostitutes Portici. He wanted to proclaim him Caesar, but his mother and grandfather opposed this dissolute and crazy intention.

But this slave was not the only one whom the emperor singled out from the total number of his lovers. He had a rival in the person of the cook Aurelius Zotikus, to Prostitutes Portici Heliogabalus gave the high court title only because he was praised in absentia for his physical merits. Much more could be said about this vicious high priest of the Sun, about his relations with the priests of Cybele the goddess of the earth and with representatives of male and female prostitution.

But what has been said is more than enough, and with this we end the story of the debauchery of the Caesars and other tyrants of Prostitutes Portici Rome; let the reader imagine for himself how low a people who had such rulers must have fallen. Some conclusions can be drawn from the picture of Prostitutes Portici vileness of Prostitutes Portici Roman emperors, namely: it is safe to say that the customs of the sovereigns had Prostitutes Portici strong influence on the customs of the peoples subject to them, the corruption of the aristocracy had a disastrous effect on the lower social strata, and court prostitution by its example undoubtedly infected all strata of society.

The depravity of the lower strata is easily removable and intensifies only as a result of ignorance, because depravity is not transmitted Prostitutes Portici one class of society to another; but when it penetrates into the sphere of the bearers of power, it rushes down from there, and in this case its action is much stronger than the action of laws; we can safely say that the morals of the entire people depend solely on the morals of its rulers.

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For this very reason, in all epochs and among all nationalities, autocracy was the cause of greatness and glory, but it also set an example of moral licentiousness and contributed to the development of prostitution.

But it could not be otherwise, when a person brought up in flattery was Prostitutes Portici the power of a ruler, which allowed him, at his own whim, to distribute favors, riches and give preference, when prominent courtesans, who were obedient tools in the hands of an ambitious court nobility, were brought closer to the Prostitutes Portici and Prostitutes Portici of rulers.

But scholars did not always hold these dangerous and cruel satyrs responsible for what they did.

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To some extent, their psychology is indeed morbid, and these Prostitutes Portici themselves are subject to forensic medicine. Like many other rulers and nobles, such as Marshal Gilles de Retz or the famous Marquis de Sade, they were subject to a cruel form of Prostitutes Portici sexual perversion, the main signs of which Ball considers: insatiable sexual passion in the form of cruelty, indifference with which the perpetrators do not even try hide or reject their vileness, and damage to parts of the nerve centers that are almost constantly found during autopsies.

A shepherd named Andre Pichel was Prostitutes Portici for raping, killing and cutting several little girls to pieces. He himself told the court about his Prostitutes Portici and added that he often felt the desire to tear off a piece of human meat and eat it. One grower, 24 years old, suddenly left his parents on the pretext Prostitutes Portici looking for a job.

After wandering for eight days in the forest, he met a little girl, whom he raped and then killed; not content with a terrible mutilation of her genitals, he tore open her breasts and ate her heart. Eskirol, who performed Prostitutes Portici autopsy of the man's Prostitutes Portici, noted the growth of the pia mater to the medulla and signs of something like brain inflammation. In other cases of this kind, typical meningitis was observed.

And indeed, what else, Prostitutes Portici impulsive madness and perversion of the sexual instinct, can explain the cruelty of these people, who in different historical epochs, as it were, combined the sexual perversion of entire nations? The atrocities of Gilles de Laval de Retz are a striking example of this priapist mania that prevailed in the 15th century.

This powerful feudal lord, having Prostitutes Portici after the French campaign to his castle in Brittany, over the course of several years sacrificed more than eight hundred children to his unnatural passions! For these crimes, he was brought to the ecclesiastical court of Brittany. He confessed his sins and wrote a letter to Charles VII, in which he tells his story. Eight years ago this devilish idea occurred to me By chance, in the library of the palace, I found a Prostitutes Portici book describing the life and customs of the Roman Caesars; this book belonged to the pen of the historian and scientist Suetonius.

It was adorned with many well-executed drawings depicting the sins of these pagan emperors. I read in it that Tiberius, Caracalla, and other Caesars were having fun with the children and that they Prostitutes Portici pleasure in torturing them. After reading all this, I wished to imitate these Caesars and that same evening I began to do this, Prostitutes Portici the drawings that were in the book. The filmographer puts their stamp on the film with some gratuitous Prostitutes Portici of close-up 70's bush much appreciated.

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Cincinatus would cease to be considered a poor man if, leaving the dictatorship, he began to cultivate his fields, as vast as the spaces occupied only by the palace of his descendants. In this era, there were no wars in remote territories, there was no wealth, no Protaras Prostitutes, the teachings of Epicurus, which Prostitutes Portici found desirable only for the enemies of his homeland - in a word, nothing has yet had a corrupting influence on the Romans. New young, slender women were Prostitutes Portici required Prostitutes Portici figures" were not successful. However, Roman women resorted to miscarriages not only with Prostitutes Portici aim of destroying the fruit of an illegal relationship. The filmographer puts their stamp on the film with some gratuitous shots of close-up 70's bush much appreciated. This tax is called vectigal or meretricium. Suetonius also refers to bisexuals by the word spintria, whose fascination was attributed to Tiberius on Capri.

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They made their way into the lupanarium after dark, hiding behind their low-pulled hoods. Others went on foot, but always accompanied by several slaves, who walked in front or behind to carry out their amorous Prostitutes Portici. Courtesans were called bonae meretricesProstitutes Portici indicated their higher excellence in the craft, they were also dancers, sang, knew how to play the flute, cithara, were respected persons.

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