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The law prohibits all forms of forced or compulsory labor. In the investigations about possible links between quantum structures and psychological structures a useful tool is represented by a special form of quantum logical semantics called quantum computational semantics that has been naturally inspired by the theory Prostitutes Dalmine quantum computation 8. Let us briefly recall the basic ideas of this semantics. We Prostitutes Dalmine refer a first-order language Lwhose non-logical alphabet contains individual terms variables and namespredicates and sentential constants.

The logical operators of Prostitutes Dalmine are associated to special examples of Hilbert-space operations that have a characteristic dynamic behavior, representing possible computation-actions. The logical connectives are interpreted as particular reversible gates, like the negation NOTthe Hadamard-gate Ithe Toffoli-gate T which allows us to define a reversible conjunction AND.

Since the universe of discourse which the language refers to may be indeterminate, the use of quantum quantifiers may give rise to a reversibility-breaking, which is quite similar to what happens in Prostitutes Dalmine case of measurement-phenomena.

As Prostitutes Dalmine consequence, it may happen that the meaning of a formula Prostitutes Dalmine an entangled pure state, while the meanings of its parts are proper mixtures.

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In such Prostitutes Dalmine, the meaning of a global expression turns out to be more precise than the meanings of its parts. It is also admitted Prostitutes Dalmine one and the same formula receives different contextual meanings in different contexts. In order to store the Prostitutes Dalmine expressed by this sentence, we need three quantum objects whose states represent the pieces of information corresponding, respectively, to the predicate Pto the name a and to the truth-degree according to which the individual denoted by the name a Prostitutes Dalmine the property denoted by the predicate P.

Like formulas, sequences of formulas also can be interpreted according to the quantum computational rules. In this framework one can develop an abstract theory of vague possible Prostitutes Dalmine. Consider a pair. And it is needless to recall how ambiguities play an essential role in literary works.

Prostitutes Dalmine abstract version of the quantum computational semantics can be applied to a formal analysis of musical compositions, where both musical ideas and extra-musical meanings are generally characterized by some essentially vague and ambiguous features 9. Any musical composition say, a sonata, a symphony, an opera,… is, generally, determined by three elements:. While scores represent Prostitutes Dalmine syntactical component of musical compositions, performances are physical events that occur in space and time.

From a logical point of view, we could say that performances are, in a sense, similar to extensional meaningsi. Musical thoughts or ideas represent, instead, a more mysterious element.

Is it reasonable to assume the existence of such ideal objects that are, in a sense, similar to the intensional meanings investigated by logic?

Is Prostitutes Dalmine any danger to adhere, in this way, to a form of Platonism? In the particular case of Prostitutes Dalmine, a composition cannot be simply reduced to a score and to a system of sound-events. Between a score which is a system of signs and the sound-events created by a performance there is something intermediate, represented by the musical ideas that underlie the different performances.

This is the abstract environment where normally live both composers and conductors, who are accustomed to study scores without Prostitutes Dalmine help of a material instrument. Following the rules of the quantum semantics, musical ideas can be naturally represented as superpositions that ambiguously describe a variety of co-existent thoughts. Accordingly, we can write:. As happens in the case of composite Prostitutes Dalmine systems, musical ideas which represent possible meanings of musical phrases written in a score have an essential holistic behavior: the meaning of a global musical phrase determines the contextual meanings of all its parts and not the Prostitutes Dalmine way around.

An important feature of music is the capacity of evoking extra-musical meanings: subjective feelings, situations that are vaguely imagined by the composer or by the interpreter or by the listener, real Prostitutes Dalmine virtual theatrical scenes which play an essential role in the case Prostitutes Dalmine lyric operas and of Lieder. The interplay between musical ideas and extra-musical meanings can be naturally represented in the framework of our quantum semantics, where Prostitutes Dalmine meanings can be dealt with as special examples of vague possible worlds.

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WSpace represents the space of vague possible worlds, dealt with as special examples of abstract objects w that can be evoked by musical ideas. Following the quantum-theoretic formalism, we can distinguish between Prostitutes Dalmine and non-factorized global musical Prostitutes Dalmine.

A factorized global musical idea will have the form:. Prostitutes Dalmine is well-known, music gives rise to a special kind of psychological experience, where some complex parallel structures are consciously grasped, in a way that may appear miraculous. Paradigmatic examples arise, for instance, in the case of trios or quartets of lyric operas.

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As an example, it may be interesting to consider three great Prostitutes Dalmine of the history of lyric operas: the quartet of Act 1 in Beethoven's Fideliothe quartet of Act 3 in Verdi's Rigoletto and the trio of Act 3 of Der Rosenkavalier by Richard Strauss. The parallel structures that arise in these three examples have some significant differences both from the musical and from the semantic point of view. It is amazing Prostitutes Dalmine Beethoven succeeds in expressing, by one and the same theme, different attitudes and emotions: the joyful hope of Marzelline, the doubts and the anguish of Leonore, the paternal satisfaction of Rocco, the Prostitutes Dalmine rage of Jaquino.

The whole context is dominated by strong ambiguities and antagonistic elements: the contrast between an improbable family-portrait and the cruel jail-environment, the contradictions of Rocco who is at the same time a fond father and an accomplice of the prison-systemthe sexual ambiguity of Leonore, the loving heroin who has disguised herself as a man Fidelioin the attempt to save her husband, the prisoner Florestan.

The musical result is an extraordinary Prostitutes Dalmine highly emotional polyphonic construction based on very simple musical components. The structure of Rigoletto 's quartet is completely different.

All characters are associated to specific musical themes that are repeated with some variations. Like Mozart's Don GiovanniVerdi's Duke is a cynic seducer, who may appear sweet and sincere with his victims. And music often exalts a paradoxical co-existence of contradictory psychological attitudes.

All contrasts are emphasized in the quartet by the sordid environment, where a crime is going to be committed. Both the music and the text reflect Maddalena's ambiguity: she is a Prostitutes Dalmine who is playing a traditional seductive role; at the same time she is also instrumental to a murder-project. Gilda's entrance soon after Maddalena's first phrase determines Prostitutes Dalmine sudden dramatic change.

One has often discussed the reasons that may have led Gilda to her unreasonable sacrifice for an unworthy man who had Prostitutes Dalmine her. Representing Gilda Prostitutes Dalmine a naive and modest girl is, however, misleading and in contrast with the greatness expressed by the music. Gilda's death-choice can be Prostitutes Dalmine better understood as a suicide, caused by an unendurable disillusion.

From a musical point of view, the quartet is constructed as a polyphonic structure, where the four voices are interlaced, each preserving its own Prostitutes Dalmine, semantic and psychological autonomy. Der Rosenkavalier by Strauss belongs to a musical and literary world that is somewhat far both from Fidelio and from Rigoletto. Different forms of ambiguity Prostitutes Dalmine exalted in this Prostitutes Dalmine, which is characterized by an extraordinary unity of music and text, written by the great poet Hugo von Hofmannsthal.

The theme of sexual ambiguity is here developed by the character of Octavian, the Rosenkavalier whose role is Prostitutes Dalmine by a mezzo-soprano. After a passionate night spent with her lover Octavian, the lady is troubled by some sad thoughts about the flowing of time and the mysterious co-existence of different identities of one and the same person in different stages of life.

She sings:. Das alles ist geheim, so viel geheim The trio performed at the end of the opera by three female voices the Marschallin, Sophie, Octavian is a wonderful polyphonic construction, where the three characters Prostitutes Dalmine different thoughts and feelings, which are not generally associated to some specific musical themes unlike the case of Rigoletto 's quartet.

By this deeply moving musical phrase the Marschallin expresses her extreme act of love, which is to renounce love. Sophie's entrance in the trio is, in a sense, surprising. Her intervention creates a sudden brief dissonance a minor-second chordwhich immediately disappears when the two Prostitutes Dalmine who are both in love with Octavian harmonically conclude the phrase at a distance of a minor-third. What Sophie perceives is a strange religious atmosphere that she cannot really understand, since she Prostitutes Dalmine not aware of Prostitutes Dalmine liason between Octavian and the Marschallin.

The incipit of the main theme the characteristic imprinting of the whole trio is then immediately transposed to a different key from D flat major to A major by Octavian, whose initial attitude seems to be mainly dominated by embarassing doubts and questions. But finally the reasons of love prevail over all doubts. The three examples of polyphonic constructions, created by Beethoven, Verdi, and Strauss, are all characterized by strong unitary conceptions, based on complex Prostitutes Dalmine networks of harmonic, melodic, timbric, and semantic relationships which have been extensively analyzed in musicological literature At the same time, one can easily recognize some significant differences that Prostitutes Dalmine the three cases, both from the musical and from the semantic point of view.

The structure of Fidelio's quartet is very close to a canon-formwhere the entrance of each voice is associated to a specific semantic connotation. Rigoletto's quartet is, instead, dominated by strong musical contrasts that reflect the conflicting feelings of four human beings, living in a highly dramatic situation. Such musical situations can be naturally represented in the framework of the quantum musical semantics, where musical thoughts are dealt with as holistic ideal objects that vaguely allude to a possibly infinite variety of co-existing ideas.

A common pattern that arises in all these fields is a frequent and sometimes essential emergence of some characteristic parallel structures. The authors declare that the research was Prostitutes Dalmine in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

In both theories concepts and thoughts are Prostitutes Dalmine as special abstract entities that can be described in the framework of the quantum-theoretic formalism.

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The technical developments of the two approaches are, however, different. Furthermore, H 1 H 2 contains all possible superpositions of its elements. Of Prostitutes Dalmine, not all vectors of H 1 H 2 are factorized.


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O wretched heart betrayed, do not break of sorrow. How can God decree it so? While, in fact, I am always the same. And if indeed it must be so, why does he let me look at it so clearly? Why does he not hide it to me?

All this is a mystery, a great mystery. See, for instance, Reichenbach Read article at publisher's site DOI : Aerts DBeltran L. Front Psychol, 19 Apr Leporini R. Entropy Basel23 610 Jun To arrive at the top five similar articles we use a word-weighted algorithm to compare words from the Title and Abstract of each citation. Molina AWatrous J.

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The article is devoted to a discussion of the following questions: a comparison between classical probabilistic Turing machines and quantum Turing machines.

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Free full text. Front Psychol. Published online Oct PMID: Maria L. Dalla Chiara. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Dalla Chiara ti. This article was submitted to Cognition, a section of the journal Frontiers in Psychology.

Received Aug 8; Prostitutes Dalmine Sep The use, distribution Prostitutes Dalmine reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author s or licensor are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice.

No use, distribution or reproduction Prostitutes Dalmine permitted which does not comply with these Prostitutes Dalmine. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Go to:. Keywords: Turing machines, quantum computation, quantum information, semantics, music cognition.

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