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Female desire within colonial relations is therefore not a part of my explanatory framework, and although it surely deserves its own theoretical discussion, unfortunately it is beyond the scope of this paper. The spiraling violence and amount of complaints led to the Cologne city authorities Prostitutes Colonia the call for something to be done on a Prostitutes Colonia level in More generally, controversial medical practices were maintained in the colonies because they made it possible for colonial authorities to protect their soldiers and settlers from disease while at the same time monitoring and regulating interracial sexual encounters.

The answer was simple: legalised prostitution. James Warren has noted that among the areas Prostitutes Colonia remain woefully under-researched in the domain of Southeast Asian Studies, the lives of ordinary, poor working-class Asian women ranks high on the list of forgotten histories. Though work has been done in terms of recording the history of male Asian labourers and migrants, the Prostitutes Colonia of Asian women migrants have gone largely unnoticed, not least for the reason that a Prostitutes Colonia number of the women who resided in the lowest strata of colonial society were also engaged in work that was deemed controversial or at least problematic until today.

Yet it cannot be denied that racialised colonial-capitalism, as a male-dominated enterprise, was dependent on women who served the colonial economy and society in other ways, including as sex workers in what was then regarded as a necessary evil — in the same way that the sale of opium was one of the ways through which European companies managed to break into the Prostitutes Colonia Asian markets and expand Prostitutes Colonia commercial activities across the region. While male migrant workers Prostitutes Colonia entrepreneurs were deemed Prostitutes Colonia for the economic development of the colony, procuring Asian women and bringing them to the colony to serve as sex workers was matter-of-factly regarded as something normal and acceptable by the standards of the day.

American prostitution was rare and clandestine and practiced mostly on a casual basis through the mid th century. Occasionally, tavern owners . Prostitution was encouraged, in an effort to meet the needs of male civilian administrators. As in mother countries, it was accompanied by a medical and regulatory discourse. Regulating prostitution in the colonies: imprisonment and health control. Control over prostitution practices in the colonies was an extension of what was practiced in Europe.

The trade in opium and sex was part and parcel of international commerce Prostitutes Colonia the 19th century, and it was upon these practices Prostitutes Colonia the fortunes of many people were later built.

Singapore, like Georgetown, Batavia, Surabaya and other cosmopolitan commercial centres in Southeast Asia, was rife with prostitutes and brothels where both sex and opium were freely available in return for cash.

Authorities want prostitutes off the streets and into safe areas.

During the first Prostitutes Colonia of the [20th] century Europeans — diplomats, officials and planters — favoured the discreet Japanese women of Malay and Malabar streets. Foreign tourists, soldiers, and, especially Japanese sailors also sought their sexual favours by visiting the unregistered haunts of Malay and Eurasian women scattered in the side lanes and alleys of the city. The hapless Prostitutes Colonia who worked in these brothels — both registered and unregistered — came from all over the archipelago and beyond: many of them were Malays, Sumatrans, Javanese, Chinese and Japanese.

And their clients were likewise varied, coming from all the European nations as well as the various Asian communities that resided in the colony. But although illicit sexual unions took place, racial barriers remained: European men Prostitutes Colonia less likely to frequent the brothels where Asian men went to, for fear of disease and pestilence leaping across the racial-ethnic divide.

Though our history books are wont to Prostitutes Colonia over the lurid details of the past, it cannot be denied that prostitution was an essential part of the colonial enterprise and that it was, in fact, regarded even by some enlightened souls as something both necessary and mundane.

Appreciating this fact requires us to remember other aspects of the past which may seem alien to us now, such as the fact that up to the end of the 19th century, the notion that children are human beings endowed with the same rights as adults was likewise regarded as a foreign concept — proof of which could be found in the coal mines of Europe, where children laboured away for hours on end Prostitutes Colonia no regard for their education or welfare, and whose situation invoked scant public protest.

In colonies Prostitutes Colonia as Prostitutes Colonia, the issue then was not the rights of the Prostitutes Colonia themselves, but of how to legalise and manage prostitution to keep it within the ambit of the law and the needs of Empire: colonial officials were less concerned about the rights of Prostitutes Colonia women themselves, and more concerned with preventing diseases from migrating from Asian men to European men, with the women regarded as the vectors for the spread of diseases.

To that end, Lenore Prostitutes Colonia has shown how prostitution was seen more as an issue of public health rather than public morality, and how the goal then was of management and control rather than the eradication of prostitution itself. Among the few groups that were concerned Prostitutes Colonia the plight of the prostitutes were the missionary movements and charity organisations — of various religious persuasions — that sought to rescue these women from their plight and to redeem their moral character.

But while such well-meaning organisations sought to rescue the women themselves — some of whom were Prostitutes Colonia girls — few of them were opposed to the colonial enterprise itself, which they nonetheless regarded in a positive light as the harbinger of progress and development to the lesser-developed parts of the world.

Compounding matters was the fact that most of these prostitutes came from poor families and thus did not have the means to define and shape their own lives, and instead Prostitutes Colonia their identities configured and prescribed for them by the people who wielded control. Centuries later, the lingering memory of the flesh-dens of Singapore and the other colonies of Southeast Asia would be Prostitutes Colonia yet again and again, in popular fiction and entertainment, as if the life of a sex worker was the stuff of family entertainment, made all the sweeter by a bland song and dance routine.

When the era of legalised prostitution Prostitutes Colonia came to an end — many brothels Prostitutes Colonia Singapore were cleaned up and closed down in — it was not the result of an upsurge of human sympathy for the women themselves or a sense of moral righteousness, but rather the result of technological developments that changed the praxis of modern colonialism.

In the same way that prostitution was one of the negative by-products of racialised colonial-capitalism, the demise of prostitution too was Prostitutes Colonia result of external variable factors that were not necessarily related to each other. By the turn of the 20th century, much of the world was connected thanks to the communications architecture that had been laid down during the colonial era.

The opening of the Suez Canal Prostitutes Colonia the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea meant that travel between Europe and Asia was made easier, faster and safer. The days when European seafarers had to cope with the threat of privateers and corsairs were long since over; the seas were now swept clean of pirates thanks to the introduction of the Western gunboat.

The transition from the age of sail to the age of steam, and later to fuel-powered vessels, meant that the Prostitutes Colonia taken to travel by sea was shorter, while the volume of cargo and passengers increased considerably with the creation of larger iron-clad vessels. In time, the age of exploration gave way to the age of mass travel and tourism.

In Southeast Asia, these advances in communications had a most profound impact on the composition and appearance of the colonies; one of the most visible changes that took place by the early 20th century was the arrival of more and more European women who had come from Britain, France, Holland and Spain to join their husbands who were working in the East.

Historical research on prostitution and colonialism is relatively recent. The argument historians present is that colonial domination and colonial power relations affected prostitution on multiple levels. First, the migration of women for prostitution to, between, from, and within Europe’s colonies was facilitated, encouraged, or restricted. Prostitution The hinterlands of the colonies, when the frontier was but a few hundred miles from the coastline, were self-governed by necessity, with colonial authority mostly concerned with the collection of taxes and rents, and the suppression of Indian attacks. Within these smaller communities, the issue of prostitution was limited because everyone knew everyone else.

As the number of European women in Prostitutes Colonia colonies increased, the colonies themselves became progressively domesticated and gentrified. Prior to the age of mass travel, there were relatively few Western women in the colonial settlements, and those who came were often forced to do so as trailing wives or because of desperate circumstances; few European women made a Prostitutes Colonia decision to move to the colonies.

Furthermore, a significant number of the women who settled in the East were from the lower classes, and were often relegated to the less respectable levels of colonial society. But as more and more Western women came to Prostitutes Colonia — as a result of faster and safer travel that allowed entire families to be relocated — the number of European men seeking Asian brides declined accordingly.

As a result, the character of the hybrid colonies of Southeast Asia began to change and the Dutch, British, French and Spanish colonial functionaries ceased their practice of adopting local customs and dress — in the Dutch East Indies for instance it was common for Dutch colonial officials to wear batik sarong at home, and eat local food cooked by their Prostitutes Colonia wives.

In places like Singapore, Georgetown, Batavia, Surabaya and Manila, these societal movements affected other changes as well, leading Prostitutes Colonia the creation of distinct Prostitutes Colonia where Europeans would live among themselves, Prostitutes Colonia off from the other native Asian communities around them.

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This unfortunately also had serious implications for the thousands of Eurasians Prostitutes Colonia the colonies whose social status was now diminished as a result of the new gentrified social order that was being created around them.

No longer were Eurasians seen as a privileged strata of colonial society. Invariably, the brothels that once dotted the urban landscape of places Prostitutes Colonia Singapore were among the first to be cleaned up. Part and parcel of the gentrification process in the colonies was the sustained effort to erase the traces of vice and inequity that were once stark reminders of the reality of Prostitutes Colonia life in the homosocial order of racialised colonialism. Shaped by their new Victorian morals and sensibility, the new European settlers who arrived in Singapore, Georgetown, Batavia and Surabaya were less inclined to mix with the locals and more disposed towards asserting the superiority of their nation, culture and values.

What was once deemed exotic and tempting — the oft-repeated metaphor of Asia as Prostitutes Colonia land of pleasure and excess — became regarded as morally repugnant and physically contaminating.

Prostitution has Prostitutes Colonia described as the oldest profession in the world, and it has to be stated that colonialism did not invent it or introduce it to Southeast Asia. Long before the arrival of the Western colonial powers and the creation of the colonies that would later evolve to become the nation-states of present-day Southeast Asia, prostitution was already commonplace in the region.

But the 19th century witnessed the evolution of a form of Prostitutes Colonia colonial-capitalism that introduced distinctions of race and ethnicity that were divisive as they were compartmentalising, and in the course of doing so categorised entire communities, casting them as human capital to be used and appropriated according to the needs of colonialism.

In the course of that process, women were also commodified and their bodies instrumentalised: the Asian women who were brought to the colonies were subsequently used by European and Asian men alike, as this was one of the ways that the machinery of colonialism was kept running over time.

Yet comparatively little research has gone into documenting the experiences and histories of such women, lending the mistaken impression that Prostitutes Colonia colonial enterprise of prostitution was as sanitised Prostitutes Colonia prim as colonial propaganda would have us believe. The eventual demise of prostitution — to be replaced by other systems Prostitutes Colonia social control and domestication — was likewise the result of the development that took place in the colonies themselves, and yet again the ordinary women whose economic function was to service the mechanism of colonialism would Prostitutes Colonia be put to other forms of productive work: as labourers, servants, miners, and in other menial jobs.

Most of the women implicated in the trade were of humble origins, and although a few have left behind letters or diaries that can be studied in detail, there is Prostitutes Colonia pressing need to seek sources of information that would shed more light into the grim realities that these women put up with Prostitutes Colonia their lifetimes.

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For though these women have been largely forgotten and ignored in the official histories of many postcolonial states, theirs is a story of migration, settlement, exploitation and labour that is in every way as compelling and important as the Prostitutes Colonia of male labourers and immigrants, and they too ought to be recognised as being among — the less fortunate — builders of the modern states of Asia today.

Back to Issue. Manderson, L. Race, colonial mentality and public health in early Prostitutes Colonia century Malaya. Allen Eds. Call no. Indeed, in most historical societies the life stories of the women in prostitution are often Prostitutes Colonia through those who tried to reform, regulate, or discipline them.

In colonial contexts, notably, such mediation is further extenuated by racial divisions and colonial power relations. In Prostitutes Colonia cases, such as Kenya or India, the colonized woman was perceived as exotic and hypersexual.

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Such metaphors were translated into colonial erotic imagery, both at home and in the colonies Prostitutes Colonia erotic representations of the colonized, and sexual fantasies of the colonizer. Colonial policies in regulating and policing prostitution are Prostitutes Colonia understood within a conceptual framework mindful of the role of desire and sexuality in shaping colonial relations.

On the one hand, Ann Stoler has shown how the intimate domain of human interactions was central to colonial policies. British colonial officers, for example, Prostitutes Colonia not allowed to age in the colonies Prostitutes Colonia that imperial prestige would not be questioned by the sight of an elderly Englishman. English and Dutch youth in the colonies were sent to boarding schools in Europe, so that affection toward their childhood nannies or desire toward indigenous girls would not undermine well-kept distinctions between colonizers and colonized.

The policies Prostitutes Colonia ensued from these anxieties differed in different imperial contexts. All, however, saw interracial sexual relations or the potential for such relations as a matter fit for state intervention.

Much earlier than the Dutch and the French, Herzog argues, the British created policies preventing interracial relations and marriage, and they were outlawed throughout the Empire already at the end of the eighteenth century. On the Prostitutes Colonia hand, as Franz Fanon has famously argued, colonial relations Prostitutes Colonia produced and channelled Prostitutes Colonia itself. The desire of Prostitutes Colonia or non-white men for white women, Fanon argued, was created and nurtured by colonial relations and anti-colonial sentiment.

This can be seen, for example, in French colonial policies toward Prostitutes Colonia colonial soldiers, both oversees and in France itself. Similar concerns influenced highly racially-segregated societies, for example the American South of the Jim Crow era.

They were deemed irrelevant in colonial discourses, and were rarely discussed when describing relations between prostitutes and their patrons. Female desire within colonial relations is therefore not a part of my explanatory framework, and although it surely deserves its own theoretical discussion, Prostitutes Colonia it is beyond the scope of this paper. To summarize, colonial regimes of regulation differed from those in the Prostitutes Colonia by incorporating racial assumptions about sexuality into everyday policies of rule.

For many precolonial societies, we know little about how colonial encounters affected patterns of non-marital or commercial sex. A fourth category might be distinguished as cases in which we have no information at all, due to a lack of sources.

All were transformed in the period of colonial control. In Latin America, for example, we know Prostitutes Colonia there were sexual encounters between Spanish and Portuguese men and local women that were either encouraged or tolerated by the colonial authorities. Little historical research, however, is available on commercial sex here. Spanish men, sent to rule over a non-Christian population, left their women and children behind.

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Sexual relations with indigenous women became acceptable, and these women sometimes resorted to selling their bodies as a means of survival. Women known to be leading such a life were banned from leaving their houses when dressed up glamorously, riding in carriages, or bringing cushions or Prostitutes Colonia to church. It was only in the eighteenth century that prostitutes and pimps were legally identified, punished, and imprisoned. As a consequence, British men entered into concubinal or marital relations with Indian women.

The British authorities, however, became increasingly intolerant toward such relations. By the late Prostitutes Colonia century, persons of mixed race were excluded from holding political or Prostitutes Colonia office with the company.

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At about the same time, venereal diseases came to be defined as a medical problem which threatened the wellbeing of British soldiers and officers. Low-class prostitutes who were found to be diseased were confined to a lock hospital and segregated from society until cured.

The regulation system was designed to ensure that soldiers had access to sex while being protected from venereal diseases. In different times and places, such access was regulated along ethnic or racial lines, while in others it was not. In some cases, traditions of public entertainers, some of whom were engaged in occasional prostitution, disappeared with the colonial encounter.

The women engaged in such professions were eroticized, sexualized, and then integrated into a system of regulated prostitution. Prostitutes Colonia precolonial Vietnam, for example, legislators condemned prostitution but did not try to punish prostitutes. Colonial legislation replaced precolonial forms of non-marital sex and institutionalized commercial prostitution.

Their traditional dance was turned into an erotic tourist attraction which also featured in orientalist fantasy and imagery of colonial Algeria. In precolonial Algeria, these women were socially acceptable and could go on to marry. In colonial Algeria, they were branded as prostitutes, both legally and socially. Similarly, in colonial India the category of prostitution was extended to women whose activities Prostitutes Colonia not been previously classified as criminal or immoral, particularly courtesans.

These were women who lived and entertained in salons which came to be known as centres of music and culture. They also Prostitutes Colonia sexual services to a limited upper-class clientele. As the Indian court centres lost their standing with the strengthening of the East India Company, the women lost their former support, and their role came to be Prostitutes Colonia solely Prostitutes Colonia the sexual sphere. These women were transformed from trusted companions into medical threats.

The Indian woman alone, rather than her Prostitutes Colonia partners, Prostitutes Colonia singled out as a transmitter of venereal diseases. Temple prostitution and traditional dance, both containing a sexual component, were also classified by the British as prostitution.

European writers, and Prostitutes Colonia European administrators, Ekpootu argues, eroticized non-erotic practices and represented as socially deviant what had been culturally legitimate. The colonial economic system Prostitutes Colonia new economic relations within families and communities. Migration of Prostitutes Colonia within the colony also resulted in an increase in female-headed households, thus feminizing poverty and driving some women to prostitution as a means of supporting their families.

Some were driven to the city where they hoped to find opportunities, as village life offered little. The legacy of slavery and abolition is also present in some of our case studies. European powers had a complicated and ambiguous relationship with slavery. Until the early to mid-nineteenth century most colonial powers enjoyed the Prostitutes Colonia labour provided by existing systems of slavery, Prostitutes Colonia incorporating them into capitalist expansion.

Britain was the first to ban slavery in its colonies in the s, and others followed, sometimes substituting it with other forms of Prostitutes Colonia labour. Men and women could no longer legally be purchased, for example in Lagos, Casablanca, or in Cairo, and abolition gave rise to other forms of exchange and employment. In some of these localities, manumitted slaves, who had nowhere to go and little support within the community, had little choice but to resort to prostitution.

In late nineteenth Prostitutes Colonia Egypt, for example, references to manumitted slaves in brothels suggest such a predicament.

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The British authorities established homes for manumitted slaves with the declared aim of directing those women to domestic labour rather than Prostitutes Colonia. The town belonging to the colonized people, or Prostitutes Colonia least the native town, the Negro village, the medina, the reservation, is a place of ill fame, peopled by men of evil repute. They are born there, it matters little where or Prostitutes Colonia they die there, it matters not where, nor how.

It is a world without spaciousness; men live there on top of each other, and their huts are built one on top of the other. The native town is a hungry town, starved of bread, of meat, of shoes, of coal, of light.


The Prostitutes Colonia town is a crouching village, a town on its knees, a town wallowing in the mire. It is a town of niggers and dirty Arabs. In Prostitutes Colonia Africa, colonial urbanism entailed opening up the old city and making it more accessible to colonial policing; the gates which divided urban quarters after nightfall, for example, were removed.

The winding alleyways and the rooftops which one could easily use for escape were most problematic in maintaining law and order. In addition, colonial authorities constructed new quarters Prostitutes Colonia to the old one, implementing rational principles of visibility and accessibility: standardized buildings, wide boulevards, and segregation between residential and industrial regions. The tramway, and later the bus, also facilitated mobility within the city and necessitated urban planning which made it possible for these vehicles to move around the city.

Postcolonial cities often bear the mark of this bifurcated past to this Prostitutes Colonia. Colonial cities marked an unequal encounter between different social and economic Prostitutes Colonia, one imposed upon the other, causing social and economic ruptures and dislocations.

These, in turn, created economic instability which drove women to prostitution.

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These processes supplemented, rather than replaced, traditional modes of control and supervision Prostitutes Colonia women with modern, bureaucratized ones. In the various case studies discussed in this volume, the colonial presence affected the geography of prostitution in several important ways.

First, the colonial administration transformed urban geographies either by creating new urban centres or transforming existing ones. As Ekpootu demonstrates, colonial Lagos became a colonial administrative centre and Prostitutes Colonia capitalist development attracted indigenous migratory flows in response to perceived opportunities.

These migratory flows, in turn, changed Lagos into a commercial centre. Nairobi provides an example of the effects of the monetization of a traditional economy and the dislocation of social and familial relations following colonial intervention which drove families to poverty and women to prostitution.

Nairobi became an administrative and commercial centre during the colonial period. Mining camps, military settlements, and port cities attracted commercial prostitution to their predominantly male environments. The colonial administration prohibited wives from joining their husbands at the workplace. Culturally, moreover, it was not acceptable for respectable women to abandon their lands and move to the city as dependents with their husbands. In non-colonial situations it was the presence of western settlements or armies, such Prostitutes Colonia in nineteenth-century Shanghai and early Prostitutes Colonia Istanbul, that attracted the migration of prostitutes and pimps.

Herzog shows that although trafficking in women and the slave trade were illegal in British territories, in Singapore the British Prostitutes Colonia ignored Prostitutes Colonia import of non-European women, mainly from neighbouring islands, because Prostitutes Colonia reduced the gender imbalance and Prostitutes Colonia both domestic and sexual labour that was sought after by sailors, merchants and soldiers.

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As Singapore grew, these were joined by voluntary migration as well. Consequently, it attracted both Prostitutes Colonia and eastern European prostitutes and trafficking. Commercial sex arrived in Australia with the first European colonizers who set up a convict colony in Sydney in Some of them had been selling sex in Great Prostitutes Colonia before being deported to Australia.

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Aboriginal women who were dispossessed from their land and from their traditional economies also provided sex to the colonizers in exchange for money, food, or alcohol.

Prostitutes Colonia settlement in Australia also attracted southern and eastern European immigrants, including prostitutes. These served men in the new townships and mining districts, which like in Nigeria and Johannesburg, were composed mainly of men. In other places, urban development contributed to the growth of particular cities and with them the development of a middle class with a Prostitutes Colonia income, Prostitutes Colonia increased the demand for leisure and pleasure opportunities for the male bourgeoisie.

In Hanoi, the growing city offered an easier life, Prostitutes Colonia standard of living that was better than in the countryside, and anonymity, and thus it attracted many young women from rural areas. The regulation of prostitution Prostitutes Colonia colonized societies was often related to Prostitutes Colonia presence of colonial military forces.

So while regimes of regulation were increasingly criticized or abolished in Europe, regulation was imposed on colonized societies, first and foremost in order to protect colonial soldiers from venereal diseases, which could be, until the beginning of the twentieth century, fatal.

The debilitating effects of syphilis on the military made regulation appear to be a viable tool even after medical advancements improved the quality of care and thus Prostitutes Colonia chances of recovery. More generally, controversial medical practices were maintained in the colonies because they made it possible for colonial authorities to protect their soldiers and settlers from disease while at the same time monitoring and regulating interracial sexual encounters.

Actual policies and practices varied Prostitutes Colonia and within different empires. Britain, for example, had abolished formal regulation in Britain already in and in Singapore two years later. It did, however, impose regulation on Egypt in and on Iraq inwhile regulating prostitution in Palestine for only a couple of years after World War i.

Prostitutes Colonia French, on the Prostitutes Colonia hand, abolished regulation at home only in and their regulation regimes in the colonies faced very little domestic criticism. Such differences can be ascribed to both imperial considerations and Prostitutes Colonia circumstances on the ground, which comparative studies are now beginning to unravel.

The abolition of licensed brothels, at home and throughout the empire, was one of the causes that British and French women organized around before they obtained the right to vote.

In Britain, Josephine Butler led a successful campaign against the contagious disease act. They likewise Prostitutes Colonia the operation of licensed brothels in the colonies as a betrayal of the sacred trust of civilization.

Reserved quarters, such Prostitutes Colonia in Casablanca Prostitutes Colonia Saigon, particularly embarrassed French reformers. Colonial rule introduced a new language of hygiene and public order as well as new bureaucratic apparatuses Prostitutes Colonia enforce it. Colonial rule also introduced and codified new anxieties about miscegenation and the Prostitutes Colonia sexuality of the colonized.

These also relied on specific assumptions about masculinity, especially that of young soldiers. Sexual intercourse was seen as a biological necessity, and abstinence was unthinkable for young men when they were away from their wives Prostitutes Colonia were still single; masturbation or homosexuality were frowned upon and this left prostitution as the only option.

As a result, while regulated prostitution had been losing ground in Britain since Prostitutes Colonia s and increasingly throughout continental Europe in the following decades, it was perceived as being indispensable in the colonies. On the one hand, colonial troops had to be protected. On the other hand, indigenous prostitutes Prostitutes Colonia not be trusted to care for their own health without compulsory supervision.

Again, the question of interracial sex, and then of the fraternization of colonial soldiers and administrators with indigenous men at the same brothels, required strict regulation and segregationist policies. The centrality of colonial armies in policies regarding prostitutes is demonstrated through those policies that targeted the spread of venereal diseases; in Hanoi, if it was determined that Prostitutes Colonia man had a venereal disease he was required to report Prostitutes Colonia prostitute who infected him to the vice squad, and she could then be punished.

The authorities sought mainly to regulate those Prostitutes Colonia who were in contact with Europeans. Although regulation was applied only to prostitutes, artists and concubines were in some cases also under various kinds of supervision, with varying levels of success. In Singapore, the Contagious Disease Act was repealed in after a long struggle between state authorities and social reformers who saw Prostitutes Colonia acts as state-sponsored prostitution and an affront to British Prostitutes Colonia.

Pressure from London further prevented the reinstatement of the Act. Colonial prostitution, like colonial urban policies in general, relied on spatial segregation and legalized hierarchies between different populations. These could be simple dichotomous relations between colonizers and colonized, Prostitutes Colonia as Europeans and non-Europeans, as was for instance the case in Cairo and Casablanca.

In Singapore, sex workers were divided by class and ethnicity; different ethnic groups inhabited different parts of the city and those were divided by class as well. It was not prostitution or black prostitution as such that were state concerns, but rather interracial sex: at first only non-marital sex, and later also interracial marriage.

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Ordering from Brill. Some colonial cities discussed here, such as Singapore, Casablanca, and Nairobi, were not urban centres or did not exist at all before the colonial encounter, and thus only provide a roughly century-long historical survey.
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Corporate Social Prostitutes Colonia. In different times and places, such access was regulated along ethnic or racial lines, while in others it link not. In Vietnam, eastern European prostitutes had the privilege of being able to get private Prostitutes Colonia examinations. Regulating prostitution in the colonies: imprisonment and health control Control over prostitution practices in the colonies was an extension of what was practiced in Europe. In time, the age of exploration gave way to the age of mass travel and tourism. Some were driven to the city where they hoped to find opportunities, as village life offered little.
This article is about touristic visits to Bousbir, Casablanca's red-light district during the French colonial period. Bousbir was a kind of erotic-exotic. Colonial Tonkin: Faceless Prostitutes under the Colonial Gaze. “We are prostitutes, beings banished from society, who live and die in universal contempt. that figures prostitutes as sewers for sexual colonial Nairobi: The Comforts of Home. to colonial wage labor that prostitution emerged.

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In the course of that process, women were also commodified and their bodies instrumentalised: the Asian women who were brought to the colonies were subsequently used by European and Asian men alike, as this was one of the ways Prostitutes Colonia the machinery of colonialism was kept running over time. One was racial segregation which is common, in one degree or another, to all Prostitutes Colonia contexts.

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