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TEMA DEL MES. Problemes higiènics, malalties venèries, baralles, aldarulls i morts eren habituals al segle XIX al barri Antic de Manresa. La principal via d’entrada era el carrer de les Piques, on els visitants procedents de l’estació del Nord es trobaven fondes, hostals, cafès i pensions, espais d’oci on es practicava la prostitució encoberta, el vici i la diversió. DieRotenSeiten Manresa: In Manresa, you will find a manifoldly red-light scene. DieRotenSeiten Manresa offer you a quick overview! Here you will find a whorehouse, a sex club, a nightclub, a bordello, a table-dance bar, a prostitute, a hooker, a cabaret, a brothel, a sex cinema or a gay in Manresa.

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Wikimedia Commons. In they met in Venice but were unable to continue on to the Prostitutes Land so they went on to Rome to ask the pope to recognise them as a religious community. Peter Canisius was one of the leaders of the Counter-Reformation as were the many schools started by the Society.
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Region time Europe/Madrid

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